Lets make a committment to step up the exercise for 4 weeks
Well Judy Judy Judy
If you werent just what I needed to hear this morning....
We have been remodeling our home and every spare moment Im doing something other than EXERCISING.......and boy does it show on the scale...I have been gaining and loosing the same 7 pounds since Thanksgiving...
so lets hold each other accountable.....will you help me?
I have a brand new treadmill and Fluidity bar and dont use either one...
and I KNOW that is what I must do to kick start my weight loss again!
and thanks for the kick in the butt

I'm with you! I just finished my assessment at the gym with a personal trainer, and I have my goals for the next month:
* 30-45 minutes cardio 4-5 days/week
* yoga/pilates class 2 days/week
* lower body strengthening 2 days/week
* upper body strengthening 2 days/week
* 20 min. stretching daily
Those are my goals, that's my plan... what are yours???