Another hair loss question
My hair is falling out too! AND...all my grey is showing! But I would rather be down pounds than a full head of hair that is brown. Even with that said I would like to dye my hair now. WHat do ya'll think...will it all fall out if I try to dye it? I heard of some shampoo that starts with an "N". I am going to try to locate it next week. I take my vitimans and calcium, but I hear no matter what you do some people's hair just falls out. My aunt had the surgery two and half years ago, her hair got VERY thin, nut she has now had regrowth and it is looking fuller and she is now at 140 from 285! Talk to you guys later~ Holli

I am having the same problem also! I didn't think it would bother me as much as it is. Every shower I can feel the hair going down my legs.ugh. I have been taking biotin, shampooing with Nioxin and conditioning with the same. I know I don't get all my protein in that I should, but I sure try! By the way I only take Biotin in the morning soooo I can't help ya with that one. Hope you have many happy hair days!