What are you eating? 7 wks out

Pam P.
on 10/6/06 12:22 am - LaGrange, GA
Hey there everyone...seems everyone is doing great... Anyone else simply not want anything at all to eat? I know I should eat but I just dont want it... Im living off protein and milk...and struggle to get calories and water in. yesterday all I had to eat was: 5 tsp of turkey chili 1/2 cheese stick 5 cheese melts (parm. chz broiled in the oven, then comes out like crackers..yum) 2 bites of boiled chicken that is it besides 16oz of protein w/ milk.... (60g protein) & 40oz water. That is really bad isnt it......and yesterday was a good eating day..sometimes its no actual food.....I sometimes eat an egg for dinner but Im not in the mood that often. I feel all bloated..and know Im retaining water because of this...but its hard.. I found Tangerine-Strawberry crystal light...so maybe that will help with the water intake. so what are you guys eating? Do you have a schedule you are following? when I am eating its simply for nutrition.....I know later I will be beg'n to stop cravings but right now I wish I wanted something...anything at all. Ive lost 28 or 30 since surgery...who knows...the scale changes all the time..and I really should throw mine out cause Im obsessed with it.
on 10/6/06 12:56 am - TX
VBG on 02/17/92
Hi Pam~I am 7 weeks out yesterday. I guess I am doing fine. I had bloodwork done last week and have yet to hear from the dr's office regarding the results. I have lost 38lbs since my pre-op stuff (highest weight) and I am going by that #. All of a sudden the last couple of days I have been SO hungry. I suppose it may have something to do with not getting a lot of protein in early in the morning. I have also been feeling a bit bloated and am always surprised when the scale has moved down. Anyway, from looking at your menu, you are not getting much food. I don't know if that is bad or not. Sometimes I feel like I have eaten too much and then when I look at what I have written down, it is hardly anything. Wish I could help you on the food more. I think at this point concentrating on protein & water is the most important. I am still eating mostly soft foods. If I eat something too dry or too fast, I throw up. My dr's says we can eat "anything" from 6 weeks on, but yuck. My pouch says otherwise! I eat weight control oatmeal, chili, taco soup, egg beaters, string cheese, refried beans. I have had some bad experiences with fish and shrimp, so I am steering clear for a while. I try to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Often I end up having a protein shake for dinner b/c nothing sounds good. You are doing great on the weight loss! Did you have your surgery on the 28th? If so, you are actually going on 6 weeks on the 9th....right? Maybe I am counting wrong. As for the scale. I know what you mean. I try to get on once a day. In the morning sans clothing. I write that # down and go with it. I seem to lose, stand still for a couple of days and lose again. I am sorry I don't have much helpful info. I guess us August people are still learning! Maybe someone else will give you some insight. Keep it up and get that protein in! **also, I LOVE CL Raspberry Ice!! I mix it and put my water bottle in the freezer for the 30 minutes after I eat. It gets icey and is delish!** Take care~ Ashley
Ms.Traci C.
on 10/6/06 1:48 am - Southern Cal girl living in the South, AL
Hi Pam!! This surgery is so weird how it effects people so differently. I am doing really well....I sometimes feel I can eat too much. I still struggle to drink the water but even that is improving....thankfully. As far as eating I eat 4-6 meals a day. Usually breakfast, lunch and dinner and a snack. I try to get in a least one shake a day...but since I hate them sometimes I don't make it. The scale is moving although I wouldn't know since I don't weigh...I know, WHAT!! Do you have energy?? Do feel okay?? I would just concentrate on getting the protein in and the fluid and see what happens. I am starting to drink Crystal light and Diet Green Tea (Citrus Blend)...really yummy! YOu have lost 30 pounds....how exciting!!! Hang in the girl!!! Hugs, Traci
Jan C.
on 10/6/06 11:05 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Pam your eating sounds about like mine and i am still trying to force water down. I have used almost everykind of crystal light and the only one so far that i can stand is peach tea. i am getting about 50 oz of water down daily and try to get down at least 2 protein shakes a day made with 8 oz of soy milk they are 30 grams of protein each so that is 60 grams of protein . i try to eat something for supper but it is usually very small amounts. Starting on the 14th of this month my doctor says i can eat anything i want too. Just dont know want anything. I feel hungry sometimes but a bite or two is all it takes and lots of times what ever it is makes me sick. I have been craving salads but i doubt if my pouch will like that either. lol I am feeling really good and have lots of energy. I walk daily and also am doing an exercise tape each day and have lost 36 pounds since surgery so i guess i am doing ok. Jan
(deactivated member)
on 10/6/06 11:12 pm - South of Boston, MA
I think we are all in the same boat here. I am a little over 6 weeks out and I am eating kind of hit or miss too. I struggle to get the fluids in, but i find that FLAT diet ginger ale is my saving grace. It helps with any nausea I might have too. I get at least 16oz of my fluid in that way. I am beginning to hate crystal light and i am lactose intolerant now since surgery, so I drink Lactaid milk. Can't stomach protein shakes. Yesterday i ate: 2 oz cheese 8 Reduced Fat Wheat thins 1/2 cup Honey nut cherios w 1/2 c Lactaid milk That was my day. And that was a good day. LOL.. Don't worry, I think you are doing fine. It is going to take us all awhile to adjust to this and by no time, we will be worrying that we are eating too much. As far as the scale goes, I weigh once a day in the morning, butt naked before I shower. I go by that number. Try not to weigh more than that. It throws your whole psyche through a loop. Good luck.
on 10/22/06 11:04 am - Grovetown, GA
Hi girls!! I found a delicious sub for those milky protein shakes... Kind of expensive however, they have 40 grams of protein in them.. They are called Isopure, and are along the line of gatorade... They have the whey protein in them but are flavored like a fruit drink... They come in a 20 ounce bottle, and if you needed to you could split it into two drinks... I am two month's out tonight, and have lost 55 pounds.. I would encourage you to up your calories a little, it will prob help the scale move for you. I went a week without really any food, and it stood still. I just did the liquids... Advice from my nutritionist... Also, did you know that sugar free pops count as liguids? I really struggle with that too.. Most days I seem to get about 50 oz of fluids in, if you count my protein drinks and my doc sd I can....
on 10/7/06 1:35 am - MCKEES ROCKS, PA
I actually feel really good and don't really have many problems tolerating foods. I try to eat 3-5 small meals every day that includes a protein shake. My daily menu is something like this B- 1/2 egg and a piece of turkey or chicken sausage S- Protein shake with soy milk L- 3 tbsp of chili D- ground meat in spaghetti sauce with shredded cheese on top S-3 crackers with cheese I do get hungry but I never feel ravenous. And when I'm eating I get this sensation that I'm thinking must be my new full feeling. I just feel like I dont' want anymore. I haven't really thrown up yet at all. I had this dry heaving foamy episode at 2 weeks out and that's about it. I dont eat sugary things or fried things. I've eaten a lot of chicken. I pot it in the crockpot or bake it. I have started eating some fruits, but haven't been doing very well with my veges. I wasn't a big vegie person before surgery either though. So I'll have to do better with that. I do like salad.. but I'm not sure if that's something I'm allowed to eat because it's not on my list. So, I'll wait until my 3 month checkup to see if I can start adding salads back into my diet. That should help me in the vege dpt alot. I love chicken salads and I like to wrap tuna in lettuce! I haven't tried steak yet.. but I think I'll wait until my 3 month checkup and inquire about that too. Glad to see everyone finding their way and using this tool! Take care, Leah
on 10/7/06 9:14 am - Turlock, CA
Pam, I am 8 weeks post op and have no problems with eating. My Dr has me on an eating plan that is the following: 1 8oz of 1% milk (I put a packet of slenda and almost freeze my milk before I drink it) For Breakfast, lunch and dinner I have between 2oz - 5 oz of protein (usually 2 - 3 oz is all I can handle) and then 1oz - 2oz of fruit or veggies. Then inbetween or before I go to bed, 6 oz of plain or vanilla yogurt (I like plain with splenda in it) and also some fruit. If I am short with my protein after eating, I will have another 8oz of milk with some protein powder in it. I can have low fat mayo and low fat sourcream as well. I was told by my PA to have only one meal fruit and the rest veggies. Protein for breakfast is usually, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese; something I can eat pretty fast as I eat my breakfast at my first 15 min break at work. I have my milk on my way to work. Fruits, I have had grapes, dried appricots, banannas, peaches, plums, blueberries. Veggies, my favorite is avacado, zuchinni, brocolli, cauliflower mash, green beans. For my lunch I like to have egg salad or tuna salad, deli meats, cheese sticks. I have really liked zuchinni or brocolli with fresh, grated parmasean cheese melted on top. For dinner, I usually have chicken, steak , shrimp, fish or anything else protein that I would have for breakfast or lunch. Sometimes I have left over from eating out that I will eat for lunch or dinner the next night. If I go to Mexican resturant, I have either a taco and eat the meat inside. If I go to Chinese Resturant, I have shrimp brocolli and have then hold the rice and sauce they put on the shrimp. If I go to a nice resturant, I usually have fish (Salmon is the best). I just recently had the Cajun Salmon from Mimi's Resturnat in Modesto CA. It was very good. It comes with steamed veggies. I really want, but haven't yet, to go to Red Lobster and have some lobster. I plan to take my "I can't believe it's not butter spray" to use. I used to dip my lobster in melted butter. I have eaten at In & Out and have a plain cheeseburger made protein style. I had the single and was able to eat the whole thing. As you can see, I am not deprivied and feel that I am eating more healthy then before my surgery. Of course, I do eat to live now. I really don't want to eat all I eat, but have to get in all my protein for the day. I have lost 32 lbs since 8/9/2006. Blessings, Lavon
on 10/9/06 4:16 am - small town, Canada
Hi Pam, good to hear you are doing so well. Good thread. What I eat really varies. I am trying to drink my water, but lucky if I get 32 oz in usually. I drink tea now and that helps. As for eating, I usually have a half of piece of toast for breakfast, some tuna and crackers and maybe a fruit for snack and whatever is for supper, ie spaghetti with meat sauce...about a half a cup. If I think I have not had much for protein I will have a protein shake for supper or breakfast. I am not writing things down lately and I should be, but back at work and not finding the time. However I think I am doing ok, and not stressing about it as I was. It is Canadian Thanksgiving weekend here, and we had our big turkey supper on Saturday night. I was a bit worried how I would handle it. This is what I had...one table spoon corn, 2 tablespoons potatoes with gravy, a bit of brocolli salad, a little turkey and a little ham. It all went down pretty well and I ate most of it except for the ham. If this had been last year my plate would have been heaping, but it was nice, I was still able to enjoy the tastes of the meal and not gorge myself. Later I had a sliver of pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Later that night there was birthday cake and I had a half of a piece of cake and ice cream of which I ate half of it. Now I know I did not need the sweets of pie and ice cream but really I am pleased. I did not dump and had a little taste of both....so I know it is possible to live normally, have the special family meals and still enjoy myself. I am trying not to be obsessed with the scale, I was stressing for awhile there (week 4/5) when I had not lost, but have lost another 7 since then, for a total of 27 I think. It is not falling off as I thought it would, but my doctor said 2 pounds a week is what they want, so I will be happy with that. Just think by Christmas what a difference we will see/feel!! Live, Love, Laugh & LEARN Cindy
Pam P.
on 10/9/06 7:07 am - LaGrange, GA
Hey there ladies...thanks for replying..sorry I started this thread late Friday then ended up being away from the internet all weekend so I couldnt view or respond. It pretty much sounds like the majority of us are about the same....I really find comfort in that! Thanks guys! Lets keep on rollin! Im so proud of you all... thanks for helping me to not feel like a failure. I worry about dehydration...do you run a low grade fever with it? I have felt kinda feverish the last few nights....strange....I have such a fear of getting it...yet I cant stomach drinking constantly....lets all pray that gets easier for us. ttfn
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