Greetings from a 1/19/05 GPS alumni!
Hi, all!
I have been skulking around here to see what is happening a year and a half after my own surgery. Guess I was curious to see what was the same or different? So far, I feel kinda nostalgic. Reading about the pain, scars, drainage tubes, bathroom issues, and of course the ever present eating issues, I feel blessed to have come through it and reached the other side. I also met some some incredible people who I am still in contact with today.
To all of you, welcome to the losers' club and for those of you just beginning the journey, feel free to contact me anytime. Although my pics are not up to date ( I've lost another 70 lbs. since then), I am proudly maintaining now and doing great.
Lou Ann
Hi Lou,
First off- Congratulations on the weight loss.
Thanks for the support. We need you guys to keep us on track and tell us what to expect further down the road. I had my surgery on 8/31/06 down 24lbs and have stalled a bit but am not worried only because the post that you older ones have posted. I only hope I am not a slow loser. I eat about 1/4 cup right now and have heard the further out you go the more you can hold. Is this true? If so, about how much. I heard one lady say at 2 1/2 years out she can eat 10 oz. Hope to hear from you. Thanks again!!