1 wk out tomorrow!

Pam P.
on 9/3/06 1:25 pm - LaGrange, GA
Hello my friends....so sorry I have been MIA since I had my surgery last Monday....my computer chair at home isnt all that comfortable and I dreaded having to sit in it...so I delayed coming online. I havent had any real pain at all....I would say slight discomfort at my lap. sites.....and some heavy discomfort with gas pains but nothing really intense! So I am blessed! Surgery went great...my doctors are awesome as I knew they would be going in....the day of surgery I was AWESOME and walkin up a storm then the next morning hit and well I felt I had been hit by a bus...lol.... I didnt struggle with the ice chips thing at all...it was fine. Since I have been home, I stayed on liquids the first 3 days, well clear liquids then advanced to trying some full liquids like runny grits I could drink...etc... I must say that sf pop's have been a lifesaver....I have started drinking my protein.....I hope that is ok....I really missed it so I started back early... I have tried runny oatmeal, bananas and sf pudding...all eating with a baby spoon...Im so scared to over do it...but honestly I havent felt FULL signals yet....nothing strange except when I took one gulp of ICE COLD WATER...I was laying on the sofa and gulped in place of sip like I should and hmmm....I got the heebie geebies for a moment afterwards...maybe that is what they talk about. Im so scared of stretching my pouch that I wont eat anything like 1/2 cup they tell me too......I just sip ALL day on water, then protein and eat bites here and there of bananas and stuff.... Anyone else do that this early? I found day 3 to be the one where I missed FOOD.....but that seems to be gone now...so Im good... I so want to make sure of getting the nutrients I need... I just worry cause it takes me all day to sip a bottle of water....so far I cant finish more than 2 16oz bottles of water a day....Im scared to over do it so I sip tiny sips slowly....does that make sense....shouldnt I be getting more than that? Oh well just wanted to check in you guys..missed you while I was away....but so excited to be on the other side....Praise the Lord! He is amazing!
on 9/4/06 5:23 am - small town, Canada
Hi, I am concerned too with not getting enough protein. My dietician didnt talk so much about drinking enough water but about trying to get 60 g of protein ina day. So I have a protein drink (1/2 in morning, 1/2 at night) and also have clear soups, puddings with milk, apple sauce (put skim milk powder in it to add protein), lots of juices and jello. She also said I should be eating about 1/2 cup EVERY hour and to make sure I do it. So I am always thinking of what I should have next. I dont think it will stretch the pouch (more than it is supposed to) but it is very important to get your fluids and nutrients at this time. Live, Love, Laugh & Learn
Ms.Traci C.
on 9/4/06 7:14 am - Southern Cal girl living in the South, AL
1/2 cup every hour....wow! I can't do that. I struggle to get my protein in....not because I don't like it but because my pouch is so small. I have turned to Profect and I sip on my shake throught the day. I put unflavored protein in my broth too....whew. ONe thing I can feel some weight loss....no idea how much because I don't have a scale...will be really excited to see where I am after my appointment on the 14th. Heal Fast Everyone! Traci
on 9/5/06 4:43 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Pam, Congrats to you on being 8 days post op as I am 7 days post op and down 11.5 lbs. YES! It seems you & I are going through some simular things like, can't finish more then 32 oz of water. My DR office said we need 48 -64 oz of fluids a day. This includes the sf pops, jelly, protein shakes, etc... It sounds like your doing well and when in dought, I'm sure you can call your DR office and speak to a staff member for clarification. I'm eating 1 to 2x a day in 1 oz cups; creamy soups, pureed potatoe w/fat free cheese, pureed tuna w/light mayo, eggs, fat free/light yogert, sf pudding, cottage cheese, etc... I also am hooked on Hank's Finest Protein Mikeshakes w/22 gr of Protein and they taste like chocolate milkshakes, yummy at least 2x a day. I take my chewable vits w/iron, biotin so I don't lose too much hair, b-12 and calcium. Everything is all approved by my DR and nutlst. I thank GOD and my hubby for seeing me through this journey! I wish you and all *****ad this post all my best! Carrie
Pam P.
on 9/6/06 10:41 am - LaGrange, GA
Wow Carrie we do sound alot alike.... I have only eaten pudding, apple sauce, runny grits and oatmeal and instant mashed potatoes... I worry so much about sipping too much but all the while knowing I need too...ugh Im like you.........consumed with whats next...lol I cheated and looked at the scale...I think I still have some swelling but my scale shows 11.5 pounds also!!!!! Unreal huh? Im trying my first cup of decaf coffee right now...Ive been scared too....but these stubborn hiccups I keep getting are driving me crazy and someone suggested I try that! Keep in touch we can take this journey together!
on 9/6/06 7:32 am - Naples, FL
I found a protein godsent -- it is from www.smartforme.com and comes in either mango peach (which I prefer) raspberry or greentea. 15 G of protein in each mix and you only add 6 oz. of water.
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