Finally home and not feeling as well as expected...

on 8/24/06 7:36 am
First off I would like to thank everyone for their words of encouragement to me before surgery. They did help me even though I still almost ran out of the hospital screaming. Alas I didn't, I stayed and saw it through. Wound up having to stay in there longer than expected due to bladder issues. Doc said it was just a lazy bladder muscular thing but let me tell ya it hurts like hell when you're carrying around 100 and something cc's in your bladder that you just can't get out. After the catheder, don't know if I spelled that right, experience was over with I started peeing normally and was released. Here is where I need to step on my soap box. I think it is completley inappropriate that people write about their surgical experience as in lack of pain and more discomfort. That is not a true statement and is just plain wrong and misleading to tell people that. You are going to have pain. I will tell you the truth. Now granted, with the help of pain medication and deep breaths it is bearable pain, but pain is pain. I'm not saying I regret doing it and I'm not trying to deter anyone else from doing it but I think it's only fair that you know what to expect. I guess it just would have been helpful for me to know what to expect a little more. I had the lap band surgery 2 years ago and due to health problems it wouldn't work and I had to resort to bypass. The band was discomfort this was much more than discomfort. So I wish all of you luck and I'm excited to be on the downside of the surgery cause my nerves about it have passed. I'm also happy to say that I pooed today so that makes me feel like I'm really out of the woods. If anyone has any questions that you want honest answers to feel free to ask me. Also if anyone can give me an idea when the first day you start to feel "good" again please let me know. Again, my intentions are not negative. They are of pure honesty which is what I hoped to be surronded by through the support group during this time in my life. Thanks for letting me vent, Amanda
on 8/24/06 3:21 pm - Nauvoo, AL
I totally agree with you. I was thinking it would be similar to having my gallbladder out a few years ago but it was worse. The first 2 days especially, I wasn't prepared. I took all of my pain medicine and started back to college and it hurts from under my boob through my back. When I called the drs office to get something-anything for it the lady acted as if I was just trying to get medicine. My surgeon now wants a cat scan but I think I am still in the healing process and it will just take time. Best wishes to you!
on 8/25/06 3:20 am - AL
Hi Amanda. I had my surgery this past Monday, Aug 21- and came home from the hospital Wed afternoon on the 23rd. I agree that folks need to be upfront with what to expect. As for the surgery itself, I was pretty good when I came out of it, with the exception of having a hematoma at the incision just above my belly button. The pain from that got a lot better during the first 24 hours post-op. I was incredibly thirsty thoughout the experience, and still am having some issues with that. They had to give me a huge bag of fluids in my IV to get me to pass a significant amount of urine- but it worked. I also had problems keeping my Blood Oxygen saturation levels high enough without oxygen, but finally got that straightened out as well. So, here I am, 4 days post op, sitting here typing on my computer. Would I do it again? YES Was it painless? NO... but certainly was a lot less pain that other procedures I've had, including childbirth I am still pretty sore, especially in my upper left portion of my abdomin (most of my lap ports are on the left side..) but it's a managable pain. I'm just glad to be this side of the whole thing, and knowing that for the most part, things are only going to get better. Best wishes to you! Alicia
on 8/25/06 7:26 pm - Schererville, IN
RNY on 08/22/06 with
Hi Amanda -- After many years of research on this surgery, the one thing which has taken me by surprise has been the severe Nausea -- something which was totally unexpected....I told the doctors I would have been up and doing the Irish jig if it wasn't for the nausea and that is the complete and honest truth! After 6pm last night I was unable to hold down anything that I remotely came near...even water. The doctors were concerned and wanted me to spend the day at home rehydrating, which of course I have been doing. Water, Water, Water, Broth and Tea and these seem to have stayed down so far! I had open Gallbladder and Appendix surgery many years ago, the pain and lack of mobility after that procedure was far greater than this, in my opinion! I have taken one pain med since I have been home, lost that quickly and have not resorted back to it and most likely won't.....the nausea has been far worse than the pain!!!! Wishing you much luck! Candy
on 8/27/06 10:08 am - Parkersburg, WV
Hey girl, First of all, I'd like to make sure that you are feeling better. I had my surgery on the 15th and I'm still trying to get used to it! I do have to say, Dr Stickler and his nurses all told me that it was going to hurt. One of the nurses, Kelly, told us to expect the worst and then we would be prepared for anything! Well, it seemed to work for me. I knew that I was going to feel really bad the first couple of days, but it really wasn't as bad as I had pictured. My left side still hurts some and I have a knot under one of my incisions that hurts sometimes. Also, the nausua patch they gave me before surgery seemed to help because I didn't get sick any in the hospital. I have only gotten sick one time since my surgery, but it was because I got a cold. Anyhow, I'm not sure how long until we will all feel completely better, but hopefully it will be soon! Good luck to you and everyone else and here's to losing weight! Jessie C. Parkersburg, WV (-17lbs)
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