Just 2 more days!!!

Chris & Kerry --
I am so happy for you both, words can not decribe how I feel as my WLS date is 08/29th. I am excited for us all!
As I started my journey, I never thought I would meet some FAB people through all this and I have. Most importantly my husband has been super supportive and my family has been great. I hope each of you has a wonderful support system in place and a great support group picked out as well. We can't have too many friends and role models for us to lean on.
Do you have an Angel to us us posted? I will say a prayer for you both and wish you a fast recovery. =o)
Your new friend,

Chris my thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow as you start you're new adventure. I am 1 week post-op and can't believe how good I feel other then my pouch being a little irratated because I tried pureed tuna yesterday as it says you can, not ready for that yet. The main advice I can giv eyou is get up and walk and walk and walk more
it will be your saving grace from those evil
gas pains! Once they move, oh happy day
I'll keep looking for your update when you return home
Take care and THINK THIN in 06