New Post-op Roll Call!

Heather T.
on 8/21/06 5:10 am - Bucks County, PA
Hey! Let's hear some inspirational WOW moments from those who have gone before us! How are doing now that you are home? What is your weight lost thus far (if you care to share)? (and no judgments from the peanut gallery please!!) What have you been able to do, that you weren't able to do before? Please make sure that you include your Name, Surgery date and let us know how you are feeling!
Heather T.
on 8/21/06 5:11 am - Bucks County, PA
I guess I should add my response (duh): Heather T., Surgery date 8/16/2006, 5 days post op, discharged last Friday! My WOW moment is: I finally got the energy surge this afternoon that I have heard so much about. I truly feel great today for the first time since surgery (even though I have had no pain since being discharged). I am being to feel sort of myself again! My weight loss so far: 17lbs, ok, ok...I am cheating a bit...this is the water/swelling gain from the hospital, but I am so glad that it is gone because I don't feel as bloated anymore! Now I start on the weight that I came into the hospital with! My post-surgery conquest: I was able to sit at a family gathering and watch others eat Chicken Parm and cake and ice cream and was OK with my sugar free jello and Crystal light ice tea. (even though I cried a little, took a walk and recited the serenity prayer multiple times...I made it through and I am stronger person for it today!) In case you haven't heard or read the Serenity Prayer, I will put it below...It has been a God send to me in the last few days because it centers me to the things that I have control of in my life to change (i.e. my eating habits and weight) God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change the Courage to change the things I can and the WISDOM to know the difference! Have a great day and Congrats on taking this life changing step! Heather T.
on 8/21/06 7:30 am - red oak, TX
Hi,heather... I'm glad you are doing so well.I am doing great,too.Very little pain now that I am 1 week post-op.I have one incision site that is a little slow to heal,but otherwise,all my incisions are great.I have lost 15 pounds,and can already tell a difference.Thanks for the serenity prayer.The thing about bypass surgery-the reasons we ate have not gone away.Thank God for this board and all of you.Let's be here for each other!
Heather T.
on 8/21/06 7:52 am - Bucks County, PA
Hi Beth! I'm glad to hear that you are doing well too! I have one incision that is slow too...I read or heard somewhere that one of the lap incisions is a little bigger and "stressed" because it is either the one that the camera goes through or the doc works through ... and that is the one that hangs out for a longer time that the others....Mine is on the left bottom. I guess as long as we don't have signs of infection, this could be the explanation! But can you believe how quickly the pain drops? I know I heard a ton of people say that they were off pain meds after being discharged from the hospital, but I was wondering if it really would work out that way for me....Let's just say, I am pleasantly surprised! Anyway, I have babbled enough.....Congrats on the 15lbs! That is awesome! Also--how true your statement is--> the reasons we ate have not gone away! That is why I need everyone on this board to encourage me and keep me accountable! Thank you all for your support just by being here! Heather
on 8/21/06 8:27 am - San Pablo, CA
Hi, my surgery was July 31st and I have lost 16 lbs since my day of surgery weight. I was only in the hospital for 1 day, a little more than 24 hours! I wish I could have stayed there the second day becasue the pain was BAD at home. But it only lasted for that one day and after that I started to feel great. I just started on my soft solids diet. I have found that eggs are no longer my friend and that Yoplait light should always be in my refrigerator. Since I started this journey in November of 2005 I have lost a total of almost 60lbs. (39 pre-op). I know I am thinner but I still crave food and am nervous about how I will do for the rest of my life; losing weight and not gaining it back! I am still waiting for a WOW momment and I will make sure to share it as soon as I get one!
on 8/21/06 9:57 am - MERRILLVILLE, IN
RNY on 08/01/06 with
Hey Everyone - I had surgery on August 1st. I think I'm down around 20-25 lbs since surgery. I feel great & went back to work on the 14th. All food is going down & the problems I have is with beans. Feeling great. Congrats to you all on your success. Kristi
on 8/21/06 12:58 pm
Hey everyone, My name is Julie I had my surgery August 3rd. I am doing much better than I was when I first came home. I was down 32lbs as of friday. My entire family is shocked and amazed because I used to be known as the freight train for my unbelievabley loud (house rattling) snoring. The day I had surgery I stopped and I have not snored since. My mother is baffled because I have snored since I was a child. Nice meeting ya guys! Julie
on 8/21/06 1:15 pm - Schererville, IN
RNY on 08/22/06 with
Thanks to all of you for posting your thoughts and is great to hear them all! Heather, thanks to you for keeping our board interesting and a valuable tool for all of us to use! For all of you....Keep up the GREAT work!!! Candy
Angie F.
on 8/21/06 1:40 pm - Jackson, MO
Hi everyone! My surgery was August 1st and I feel wonderful. I am down 30lbs now and can definately tell in my face , butt and my boobs I returned to work on the 14th and seem to be doing fine. Okay my crazy WOW moment: After I dropped 20lbs. I realized that I could actually wipe my behind without struggling. Alright for real: my WOW moment was this morning when I realized that my clothes are falling off me now.
on 8/22/06 12:32 am - Spring, TX
Hey Heather, You are the best cheerleader for August i have ever met!!!!!!! Here is my update: Tomorrow I will be 3 weeks post op. I have lost 18lbs pre- op and 27lbs since I got home from the hospital. I have yet to put on my jeans or uniforms yet cause it is too dang hot and I am waiting for my month visit to see the clothes thing ( ok here it is, I am afraid that if I put on my jeans I wont notice anything and be all discouraged. Even though I am 18 lbs lighter. What is my deal?) I had a bad few days for some reason and feel better today. I am officially lactose intolerate and that ****** me off cause I love my milk and never thought that would happen to me ever. I can not do eggs still- tried 3 times and my pouch was angry!! I have thrown up 3 times since I got home. I also got dehydrated these past few days as I am still struggling with getting in all of the water and protein in. It seems like my pouch doesnt do well with >2oz at a time. Still mainly doing full liquids cause I try to jump ahead and my tummy reminds me who is in charge. lol I have started my cycle and instead of gaining weight of 5-10lbs I am just maintaining 234-236 for the past few days. Frustrates me but not gaining is WONDERFUL. I think my iron might be low cause ever since I started I have been dizzy. Except for the past few days my energy level has been off the charts. I am up to 3 miles a day around our little pond. I am still home bound and feeling like a trapped animal- Got to get out of here soon or I will go crazy lol No one here is noticing the weight and I am thinking that is cause they see me everyday and wont see it like my friends will when i go back to work. I can majorly see the difference when I am nakid lol This was the best thing I have ever done for myself and dont regret a moment of this. I feel like I have been reborn and am finally an active member in my own life.... hugs to all, Tanya 252/261/234/140 pre-op/home from hospital/current/goal
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