Panic Attacks

Patricia R.
on 8/18/06 12:46 pm - Perry, MI
I am beginning to experience panic attacks. I am not afraid of the surgery, but the whole process. I mean, not just the surgery, but the liquid diet and the baby food phase, and the making sure I eat my protein and the water sipping and the making sure I walk a lot and the recovery process, and the making sure I don't abuse the narcotics (I am a recovering alcoholic) and the making sure I don't eat sugar and the chewable vitamins and the only Tylenol from now on, when I used to take 800 mg of Ibuprofen for a sinus headache, and the fear my bras won't fit, and the making sure I pack my lunch for work, and the no more fast food restaurants for convenience and the no more hot fudge sundaes, and the .....etc....etc.... I feel like I am losing my mind. Now, I am gladly enduring all of this craziness because my son is getting married on Labor Day weekend next year, and I want to be the most beautiful woman there, besides my new daughter-in-law, and my daughter. I also want to wear the Ladies Eagles jerseys that they sell. They are sexier than the men's jerseys. Thanks for letting me babble. I am sure there are a few people here that can relate to me. Hugs, Trish
(deactivated member)
on 8/18/06 11:04 pm
I can relate Trish. I am 10 days post op now and so far I am not really hungry. I had trouble with the protien in the begininning but I took the vanilla powder and mixed it with orange juice and ice and it is tasty enough for me to get it down. I have lost nearly 25 lbs just 10 days post op. In all the people I have met that had the surgery I have not met one person yet who has had it that regrets it. As for me, I cant wait to buy smaller bra's...LOL.
on 8/19/06 12:22 am - Virginia Beach, VA
I'm with you there sister. We have similar goals, my oldest daughter is getting married next Aug. and I want to be a pretty mother of the bride! I just dropped my younger daughter off at college and it has about broke us money wise so I am sweating being able to buy protein stuff for the pre op liquid diet etc... I am literally shaking like a leaf as I type this. Xanax is a wonderful drug. I am on meds for anxiety and depression. Call your doctor and see if he can help! Hugs Jenny
just jacie
on 8/19/06 2:58 am - Minneapolis, MN
Hi Trish!! I can really relate to your post. It's all very overwhelming to say the least!! I'm trying to call on some of my organizational skills to help me get something going. I think I'm going to get a white board and write out my daily schedule of meals and vitamins and supplements and everything else on there, just so I have it one place and I can see it. Right now I am just trying to get a list of everything I need to buy before surgery. It's tough especially when the rest of your life doesn't stop!! Best wishes on your surgery, I hope you can relax beforehand! Everything will be OK! Jacie
on 8/19/06 7:57 am - FORT MEADE, MD
Hi Trish, I understand perfectly what you are experiencing as well as those who are coming very close to their surgery date. I am day 4 after surgery, home, walking and enjoying a variety of delicious (well maybe not spectacular ) of drinks and strained mushy foods. I only got the 2-4 paks of protein drinks, some organic creamed soups..yellow squash is awesome ! Lots of Crystal lite on the go packs, sugar free pudding..first time today, yummy. Sugar free oatmeal, apple sauce and popsicles! All life savers. I have had no urges to munch or eat beyond that. After 2 days of the IV pain meds(which are regulated and you can't over medicate) I have been on a pill form and only took one since coming home yesterday and only took one tylenol today which worked wonderfully. Protien and water are the hardest thing to keep up with but I am using a chart my sister did for me and hope I can post it for some to use if they like. You will do awesome and all those fears will go away as you find yourself on your new journey. Rose
on 8/19/06 10:41 pm - small town, Canada
Gosh, that so sounds like me. I can work myself up into a real frenzy. I have 8 days left, and I am starting to feel very panicky. I guess I know that is normal. For me, making lists helps and keeping busy so not to think about it too much. We can do this. hugs
Angie F.
on 8/20/06 3:12 pm - Jackson, MO
Okay.... First: Breathe! Second: Remember you are nearing your new birthday. This will be the first day of the rest of your life... relax and revel in it. Third: Rember: God does not put on us more than we can handle. If you couldn't handle this, it would not be happening. Fourth: You have come this far and everything will work out in the end. Fifth & Final: Before you know it you will join us on the losers bench and will wonder why you were so worried. I am getting ready to start my 4th week post op and would not even believe that I had the surgery if not for the small amount of food I can now consume. Yes, I have been sick... It was all self induced: not chewing good or eating too fast. No, I have not dumped: I have avoided sugar like the plague. Down 28 lbs since first weigh in. Down 20 lbs since surgery!! Yeeha!! Girl, you will be fine... the only regret that I have is not doing it sooner.
on 8/21/06 4:01 pm - Phoenix, AZ
My WLS date is 08/29th and I'm too having mini-panic attacks of all the what if's, complications plus all that you stated above. I'm glad to know I'm not going crazy! LOL :0) I'm new to this message board and look forward to getting to know you all better! Your WLS sister, Carrie
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