Aug. 30th Anyone?
I just actually read your profile as I was looking for others who were having surgery the last few days of this month. I am scheduled for 8/29! I'm located in central WV, so we're not all that far apart either... I was hoping to hook up with a few other folks who were having surgery within a day or two of me so that we can plan and chat and diet together! Interested?
Hi Jenny!!!!
I SHARE your Date!!!!
I am Scheduled for Surgery on 8/30 at 8:30 AM!!!!
Guess I will be Playing that Number!!!
How are you Doing???
Only 17 more Days!
We're Going to be LOSERS!
If you want to Chat...
Drop me an e-Mail!
I am wondering???
What are you doing to Prepare for the trip to the Hospital?
Are you Packing Light?
What are You Buying for Post-Op when you come Home?
Anything Besides...
Sugar Free Jell-O, Sugar Free Popscicles, Broth and Crystal Light?
I wish you the BEST!!!
Hope to Chat SOON!