Our Month
Well tomorrow starts our month of surgeries. Congradulations to everyone who is tomorrow. wow can that be? mine is in 2 weeks can't believe that. Or that is if i get over this kidney infection i am currently treating. I havent had an infection in years and now i have one??? it is going to be cutting it close for it to be well but am counting on the Lord to pull it off. Jan
Hi Jan!
I never really liked August.... the back to school grind.... fall is really coming and then ...winter... [shiver]. BUT now I think AUGUST will be my favorite month after Christmas {Jesus Birthday} and Easter { His resurection}
Congratulations on your soon to be moving to Loserville !
From one Almost Loser to Another,
hugs, Barbara

Yay August. It's finally here.
I'm counting down 2 weeks also. I've got a 10 dayu liuid-only diet I'm starting early. All of my pre-op appointments kick off August 3 with a Nutritionist meeting.
I've already painted a message on my stomach with sunless tanner for my surgeon (It says THANK YOU). I'm good to go. Just gotta clean the house, and do some laundry. I'm already packing up my largest winter clothes cuz I'm not going to need them anymore!
Good luck to all of us!