T Minus 9 days and counting...
Greetings & Salutations,
My surgical date is August 8th, in Manchester NH, Catholic Medical Center. My surgeon is Connie Campbell, M.D.
I am looking forward to surgery and hoping that my recovery time is quick, that I have no complications or long standing issues with surgery.
I am looking forward to getting on with my life....
Anne in NH
Surgical Date: 8/8/06
Connie Campbell, M.D.
Hey there Anne,
Just wishing you the best...
I pledge to high-five nurses in honor of all of us in August--each time I pass their station as I do victory laps.
August 8th I'll be in a local San Diego hospital,
recovering from my own OR appearance the day before.
Let's hope those first ice chips taste as good as everyone says, huh!
(as in Lisa from Ramona, CA...
say Hi to beautiful NH for me. I used to live down the road in Boston.))