God has a sense of humor . . .
February 2006: Does my insurance cover this?? Does it? Does it?? (I'm a type A personality) 2 days later .. . Well Ann, your insurance does cover it, but there is a 12 month supervised diet requirement, and we can help you with that, and help with your appeal after 5 months (My doctor's insurance people are NOT type A, which is good for both of us)
June 2006: Have you sent the appeal in yet? Have you? Pleeeeeeease? (I'm still type A) Ann, our surgeon works with three other doctors, and we file the insurance for all of them. Call us in 5 days.
June 2006 5 days later: What do you mean you are out of town?????
June 2006 8 days later, blue cross blue shield office: What do you mean they filed for a lap band, I wanted gastric bypass?????(I'm still type A, but Blue Cross Blue Shield isn't)
Same Day, my doctor's insurance people: Hello, we are unable to come to the phone right now, our offices are flooded . ..
June 28, 2006 Hello, I got my letter saying I was approved!!!! When can I have surgery?? What?? Not until YOU get a letter????
July 15 2006 What do you mean you haven't gotten a letter yet????? At this point, my surgeon's patient representation, whom I adore, steps in and assures me that they will go ahead in give me a pre-op appointment for August 1st, but that the surgeon is booked up well into August.
I listen to her calm voice, remembering that she too has had this surgery, and that all of his other patients want this jsut as much as I do. I resolve to put it out of my mine until August 1st, and then take the several weeks after to prepare.
There was a cancellation. I will have my surgery 11 days from today. God is good, and thru Him, I will get the house straight, the meals cooked, the pre-surgery tests done, the dog boarded, my closet organized, my diet needs planned, and my family taken care of. Oh, and did I mention that I am a teacher, with school starting?
None of it matters, come on August 10th!!!! But if ya'll have any words of wisdom out there, they would be deeply, and desperately appreciated!
OMG, Ann.....In reading your post, I thought I had written it (even down to the insurance approval for Lapband when I wanted RNY...)
Take care of what you can, and everything else will fall into place or can wait....
Most importantly, take care of YOURSELF!! Let the year of YOU start now.
Other than that, you'll be in my prayers for a safe surgery and good result...
Hang in there!
Heather T.

Dear Ann, Ann, Ann!
I'm not so sure I can offer any words of wisdom--but will you take some accolades?!
A teacher-Type A embarking on this grand journey along with the frenzy of beginning a new school year???...Oh, I'm not worthy! You GO girl!
Pat yourself on the back!
(I have a dusty K-12 French credential)
I'm sure you'll pull it off brilliantly and your sense of humor will get you there, no sweat.
Okay, maybe a little bit of sweat.
Sending lots of Kudos and Admiration your way,
(aka Lisa in Ramona, CA)