August Surgery Roll Call!
Hi Heather....CONGRATS! 

Our month is FINALLY here! Yiiippppeeee....can't wait!
Surgery date is 08/22. I am keeping VERY busy and am hopeful that this will make the next three weeks fly! Pre-op testing is tomorrow, another step towards goal!
Regarding what to take, I have been told...less is better as you really don't need much. I have also been told to make sure to have a pillow, especially needed for your return trip home to have between yourself and the seat belt.
Wishing you the very best on your journey! Candy

Hi All!
I'm checking in. My surgery date is Tuesday, August 8th. I was originally scheduled for July 14th, but my surgeon had an emergency, and had to reschedule me. They tried to reschedule for last month, but dh was out of town, and I wanted him here if at all possible. I think I'm about as ready as I can be.
I'll keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers as your dates arrive!
Healther -
Add me to the list! August 11th is my date and I see there is another "Susie" on that date too! (Although I spell it "Suzy").
I love the idea of bringing a picture of my daughter - hadn't thought of that one. Thanks to the person who posted that!
I picked up a night gown and a pair of PJs - I expect my last shopping foray at this size. Will bring slippers for walking. Toothbrush & toothpaste, hairbrush, glasses & contact lens stuff, lip balm, moisturizer, make-up (somehow doing up my face always makes me feel better), a book to read, and G-d knows how much else I will over pack and never use!
Now - I have to sign-off so I can get in some exercise before work!
Wishing you all an easy time, a speedy recovery and a lifetime of good health!
Hey Heather,
They have scheduled me for August 2nd if all of my pre-op are ok and I am sitting here on pins and needles waiting for 9am and them to call me. It has been a longgggg weekend waiting for their decision and it is making me crazy lol
I cleaned my house yesterday and went to a Def Leppard and Journey concert. I also went and bought all of my vitamins and some protein drinks to try before surgery. I plan on tomorrow night going to JCPenny and buying a pant type pj and I need to pack a bag ( quess holding out on that one since I dont know for sure yet.
I still have to work tonight 7p-7a so that will make time go by fast. Save a prayer for me today that everything is a go and not another cancellation....
This is Barbara
Wednesday August 2, 2006 is the First Day of my NEW LIFE!
I already posted what I have been doing, but I never thought of a picture of my son, or a book to read so Thanks to those who posted those things.
uuummmm in my suitcase I have slippers, Big Undies, they said that I might want bigger than usual as the site can be quite sensitive. Also I bought two tops that have built in shelf type bras ---I just can't handle totally bra-less- again for comfort. Toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, and pads.... my hospital said most women get their period immediately after surgery, and I want my extra super longs with wings
Today I am eating (a little bit) of my last favorite foods for a while. It really isn't a sad goodbye.... more of a 'I am affirming that this is my choice ' goodbye.
[pretend their chugging diet root beer]
I KNOW I want to do this..... I KNOW I am making the best possible choice for ME and for my Future Well Being.
Three cheers for the August 2006 OH Losers
great big Hugs,

Hi Dawn,
I am August 28 at Barix too. My doctor is Dr. Marymor. You look familiar. Did you go to the Pre-op meeting this or last month? Maybe we will be roommate? I hope so.
Pre-admission testing was a breeze. They are so organized and efficient, I was rarely bored. weigh-in, bloodwork, urine test. Then the gown and the x-ray and ultrasound, then the EKG, and some questions from the nurses, then the nutritionist gave me a crash course and the "Bible" and then the doc came in and gave me the thumbs up. They are so nice, I feel valued there.