My surgery was.....Sorry for venting too......

I am so sorry your surgery was rescheduled - but your doctors are just being safe so that you can go into this with the best possible outcome!
I am with you that EVERYTHING happens for a reason and God is watching over you
I am sorry you do not have the family support you hoped for - but maybe this will give them a bit more time think about the POSITIVE effect this surgery will have and jump on board with you.
if not - this is something we do for OURSELVES - maybe for the first time in our life we are thinking about ourselves.
We are here to support you and wish you much luck in your journey!

Hey Nissah!
Sorry about your date being rescheduled and I truly understand your feeling about it but just know that God knows best and so do the doctors. I was devastated in March 2006 when my surgery at another hospital got cancelled totally, but now I know that it was for my good, that God had better for me, a top surgeon, new hospital, and a greater understanding of me and my decisions. You are right also about stress making your Lab numbers out of whack or slightly different, but hang in there "Don't Worry, Be Happy" and know there are lots of us who understand and will be praying for you and for your family to come through with their support. While we want our family support, this is just for us to be and feel better. Praying for you and I still have some family members that don't quite understand yet, but will later when they see the new healthier me. So hang in there girl before you know it August 28th will be here hoooorayy
Barb T. in KC.

Dear Nissah,
I know you feel alone, but we are all here for you, before , during and after. Get on here every day. My prayers are WITH YOU! When my daughter had her surgery, open RYN 3 years ago. I was so afraid. but I knew she is smart and she researched it, is in the medical field, and went with her husband 5 hours away from me and had it done. She lost her diabetes in 2 days, she is a new person. Sure I was afraid for her but she knew best, and I prayed. Your family is just afraid for you ,they are reacting out of fear and maybe jealosy too. Take them to a support group in your area. and you go too. Don't be sorry to vent here .. this is what it's for girl!
Take Care Patti
Hi Nissa,
I know how it feels to be dissapointed and having to wait, right now I'm feeling real depressed, because I was denied the first time around now waiting for my approval going through the Neweigh Program in Houston, I have Aetna POS and have completed everything they have asked me to. Just want to tell you to count your blessing I'm just waiting for my approval at least you have yours and a date, I'm still waiting on both. I'm want this surgery so bad, don't look at how long your wait is just know that its coming and its going to happen and change your outlook and life forever, I wish I just knew I was approved the rest is easy.Keep your head up and count your blessing. I feel so alone and unloved. I am not writing you to cry about my
problems just wanted to tell you thank God for positives in your life and don't focus on the negative. I'm happy for you good luck time will pass before you know it. Keep God first.
Nissa, here is what God's word says about us:
You are blessed coming in and going out. You are the head and not the tail. You are always above and never beneath. God has given you favor in the eys of everyone who beholds you and has caused you to excel at everhting you set your hand to. God has given his angels charge over you to bear you up with their hands lest you dash your foot against a stone. He has caused his angels to encamp round about you. No weapon formed against you shall prosper (wrong prayers against you having surgery). God watches over his Word to perform it and sees to it that it accomplishes that which He sent it forth to accomplish. Girl, you are blessed! Go in peace!
Nissah, gosh you have really had alot to deal with. That is just sad bout your wls being rescheduled over a month away. BUT... think of this, your body will be more prepared for the wls with all the blood tests at a safer level. YOu are so right that your mom is feeling and already seeing the changes in you and she offcourse will fill threatened with change in something that she is so connected to both physically and emotionally. I am so proud of you!
sending you a big hug...
Aunt Pam
Hi Nissah,
Sorry for the lack of support from your family. That is hard to have no one supporting you. I have told friends that I know will support me and also my family. Everyone don't need the surgery, but they don't understand the pain and discomfort I feel everyday. One co-worker said...have you really ever tried to loose what kind of statement is I just decided to have this surgery for the heck of it!!!
Take your iron and Vitamin C.....the 28th will come really fast! WE share the same date as well!