Bumped- Now an August 1 Date
Hi everyone,
I was scheduled for surgery July 24th, but get gave up my spot for a person that needed the surgery before August 1. If this person did not get a date before August 1, she would never be able to get the surgery. The company that they worked for was changing insurance policy on August 1. Of course, the new policy would not cover the surgery. So, I agreed to change my date. How could I say "No"? I know how important this surgery is to me.
So, now I am here to join all of you wonderful people with August dates!

you know that you will be prayed for while having your surgery. Good deeds never go un-rewarded. What a wonderful person you must be to do that. I hope there is a lot of people that would do the same thing in that situation but you never know. It is good to meet a person who did. Thank you for being that person. Jan
Hi there Heidi -- WOW WOW WOW, what a wonderful person you are! It is soooo nice to hear of some one doing something GREAT like you have done for this person....I am sure your disappointment of a minor set back in time was nothing compared to the big, warm, fuzzy feeling you must have gotten for doing such a great deed! Personally, I have battled with the "insurance Gods" for nearly two years to get my approval....I can feel the other person's pain. Good for you, we are glad you are on the August-side!
Best of luck on your Journey...you already have a WONDERFUL beginning!!!