So Now What?
I'm wondering what everyone else is doing now the they got a date?
Other than pulling my hair out waiting for my surgery. I been eatting whatever I want but I been going to the gym 3-4 times a week. I'm going to try and cut back when I get closer to my surgery date. My doctor said it would be good to lose 5-10 pounds before the surgery.

Right now I am driving myself even more
because I am trying to figure out which protein shake will taste the best. I am a very picky eater. I still have 2 more months to go,and that should be the least of my worries. I am just glad to finally have a chance to become more healthy, and hope that I will not
everyday from it, like other people that I have been reading about.

I am doing all my pre-op testing. Had a mammogram and that ultrasound where they check your legs for blood clots last week. This week, I am going to go get an EKG, chest x-ray, and some blood work done. With any luck, I'll have my EGD this week.
And then, I'm celebrating with a big BBQ on July 16th, and then going to Disney World for a few days from July 21st - 24th. My husband wants me to stay busy so he doesn't have to listen to me worry!!
I can't believe how quickly it all comes around!