August date......Barely
My name is Dee; I just joined this site a few days ago, I didn't want to jinx myself by too joining early, but I am approved, and I have to share this with each and everyone of you, I just can't keep it to myself :gossip: After a long 13 weeks, I finally recieved my date: 31 Aug 06, talk about getting an August date by the skin of my teeth:bow: God is Good! This date is even more a blessing because my husband who is Active Duty Air force, is scheduled to deploy for 4 months a 1 1/2 week after my surgery, he was so worried that he was gonna miss it :halo:
Good Luck and God Bless all of you, this is a time to celebrate :dance:
on your date. I hope you have a safe surgery and a quick recovery. I am glad you will have your husband with you.
I will second the thought of Thanking your husband for serving and protecting us as a country.
Best wishes for you and your family. August will be here before we know it.

....and sliding into home is Dee with her August Date ;)
Congrats on your date and welcome to the August crew...
Also, allow me to add my thanks to you and your family for the sacrifices that you endure to make this country a safer place! I hope your husband has a quick and safe deployment so that he can return home to enjoy your success from WLS!
4 are going to be a hot mama when he comes home!
Best Wishes!
Heather T.

Thank you Heather,
Right now I am just losing my mind
worrying about what I will be able to eat after the surgery. I am trying to figure out how much protein I should be getting, and what protein shakes will taste the best. Uggh,I still have two months I tell myself, but I like to be prepared. Good luck to you as well! 4 months from now: all of us from the August crew will be ******y mamas & papas

Thanks for those encouraging words
by the way I changed my user name. But you can still call me Dee. You are lucky to have your surgery on Aug 7, My husband will be deploying just 2-3 days after I get out of the hospital
Dr. H's office couldn't get me in any earlier, So I will be on my own as far as recuperating from the surgery. The
is a liar, and I am not gonna let him still my joy! I love Dr. H, and his whole office they are all wonderful, and I know that we will all be just fine, I wll keep you in my prayers
Dee Simmons