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Topic: RE: Update on Abdominal Pain
Hi Debbi,
Wow, that didn't turn out to be the visit you were hoping for did it? Sorry to hear about your experience, but I'm glad that they found out what the problem was & you're now on the road to recovery.
Good luck with everything
Topic: RE: Body Image
Hi Torrey...
You're not alone. Most all of us have skin issues. Heck my skin has been stretched out for so many years I'm lucky I don't look like a complete wrinkle dog. Seriously, though, I could use some work from arms all the way down to my thighs, but I think I'd rather wait for a while too. Just not looking forward to the pain of PS. It really does bother me when I sit down & see my thighs spread out, but, like Eileen, I picture myself at 291 lbs & think to myself how much better I look & FEEL. It seems that this entire journey plays so many psychological head games with us. There's constantly some issue going on with us. Sometimes I think that because we were so unhappy with our bodies for so many years that it makes you wonder if our minds will ever let us be happy with the way we look. Personally, ya, there's alot I would change if I could, but I'm starting to allow myself to be ok with me. And let me tell you something it's not easy. So here's a saying I read & have been trying to live by it.
Take Care
Topic: RE: another WOW moment
Just looked at your picture... You look awesome. Your arms look great. Almost makes me jealous... What a wonderful feeling it is to slide on those 12's (well 10's now in your case
Love hearing from you.
Topic: RE: Well Everything went well
So glad to hear all went well. Sounds like your eating experience won't be so dreadful any longer. Good luck with your next surgery. Keep us posted
Topic: RE: Halloween pic posted..
You looked Smokin girl
...... What a change in your face from last year.....
Topic: Wishing you all a Happy Halloween!
Just wanted to tell you all to have a great halloween night! I probably won't get more than one or two trick or treaters!
We live out in the boonies! And my kids are too old...
I still haven't gotten the full length pic on here yet. My CD burner didn't do it's job!
So I will try again tomorrow!
Tomorrow is the deadline for the holiday gift exchange too. I will put the list together and be contacting each of you with your recipient.
Have a great night!
Topic: RE: Update on Abdominal Pain
Oh wow I know how you feel I have battled with Kidney Stones for the past 10 years. I can only say drink tons of water the rest of your life. I just had my gallbladder removed and had gallbladder attackes for the last six months. They hurt really bad , but when I had Kidney Stone they would bring me to the floor for hours and the pain was the worst.
Thanks for the update hope you are feeling better
Topic: Update on Abdominal Pain
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to give ya'll an update to my post from last week about some abdominal pain I was having. Last week, I had 2 maybe 3 episodes where I had stabbing pain in my lower right abdomon followed by a feeling of having to urinate really bad, only to find out when I got to the rest room that I didn't have to go. Well, I took my kids on a weekend trip to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to see my brother and his wife. We landed at 8pm and by 3am I was in the hospital ER with the same severe pain only this time it included vomiting and I could not walk. Long story short, I had a kidney stone too big to pass and too imbedded in my urinary tract to try to break up so they had to go in and remove the stone surgically. I got out of the hospital at 7pm Sunday night and the kids and I were on the 6a flight Monday morning back to Dallas so they would not miss any school! I now have to find a urologist here to remove the shunt they had to put in and for my follow up care. If any of you has sever lower stomach pain that does not go away after 10 minutes or so, call your doctor. Kidney Stones appear to be more common with WLS patients due to the way our bodies now break down the food we eat.
Thanks for all the responses to my original post!
Topic: RE: Body Image
Thanks so much for the kind words and congrats on your weight loss. I know only the people here could understand. BTW, start going to your PCP now and mentioning that you have itching or a rash. You need at least three months of documentation to get insurance to cover a TT or panni removal.
I guess another reason I'm down is because I haven't been going to my PCP about my excess skin. I was told by the first surgereon I talked to about WLS that I had a hernia. Glad I didn't go with him, as I do not have a hernia. I'd been counting on that to help pay for the PS.
Torrey (281/179/160)