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Topic: RE: How do you all like the new format?
Hey Lori,
Thanks for the compliments...I went to the store today to get the dress for work Christmas party and the 16 was gone. I thought, oh no...and looked around. I found a size 14 and thought lets give it a try and OMG!!!! it fit!! I snagged that dress and can't wait to try it on for my sis to see! It is awesome and I would never have believed that I would wear a size 14. That was actually my goal when starting this journey. I wanted to get to a size 14 and now I am almost there. This was a great WOW moment for me today!!
Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. How did you get your profile so spruced up...did someone from main board help you with it? It's so cute.
Topic: RE: How do you all like the new format?
Thanks for the suggestion, Kim...I'll give that a try!
Topic: RE: How do you all like the new format?
LORI!!! I just wanted to tell you that you look FABULOUS! Wow!! You are one hot mama!!!
And I did the same thing Kim did, I copied and pasted my entire profile into the new one. It took some tweaking once I got it over there but I figured it out. You could contact someone on the main message board to do it for you too! Apple Pie is a great one to ask! She is awesome! I love the new profile because there is a special section to enter photos. And it's way easier than the old way of doing it.
Good luck with your profile. And WAY TO GO ON TE 16'S! You look so good!

Topic: RE: URGENT: Confusion on gift exchange...
No, the person who buys for you will be someone else. And yes, you made perfect sense!

Topic: RE: How do you all like the new format?
I went in to my profile and cut and pasted all my old stuff and the added it to my new profile.
thats the only way i knew how to save it.
hope that helps,
Topic: RE: Last day to join the holiday gift exchange
I just got home from the hospital, am I too late to join? Do you need another person?
If not, its okay, I am late

Topic: How do you all like the new format?
Hi everyone!
Just posted some new pics to my old profile and the new one as well. Trying to figure out how to do the new one. I'm not very good at it to say the least. Also, trying to figure out how to change my picture that uploads with messages. It is so confusing to me.
Anyone else having problems? Is there a tuturial for this new stuff? I know that they are going to get rid of the old, but I sure hope it isn't too soon. My profile won't convert and I don't want to loose everything I've written so far.
Anyone have suggestions as to what to do? Maybe I should save it to another website so I don't loose everything I've journaled for the past 2 years.
Hope you all are doing well. The jeans in the new picture are a size 16. I can't believe it. And the dress I am getting for my Christmas party at work is also a size 16 and I might even go for the 14. It is beautiful and I look great in it. I can't wait to show it to you all...but that will be 11/30 after the party for work.
Have a great day tomorrow...I'm off to bed!