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Topic: RE: **CHECK YUR EMAIL ***
Hi I sent it to your yahoo address on Dec 1- check your spam filter
If I resend it- thats where it will wind up again..
let me know if you don't get it again
Topic: RE: **CHECK YUR EMAIL ***
I didn't get the list either. BTW, thanks so much for doing this.
Here are two addresses for me.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Topic: RE: OMG Thank you Thank you Kim!!
your so welcome! Im glad you liked everything! You seem alot like me, so i picked what i would have liked..haha! i know you had a shirt in one of your profile pics that the purse would match, so i got that purse... I LOVE the purse so thinking of going back and getting me one,lol!
Im sorry to hear about the have my email (i think) if you want to talk...sometimes talking to someone does help..Im here to listen..we are all friends here, to support each other when needed!
Enjoy your new things, I had fun shopping for you!
Topic: RE: **CHECK YUR EMAIL ***
I didn't get the email. Can you send to [email protected] instead? Thanks hon!!!

Topic: OMG Thank you Thank you Kim!!
I can't begin to tell you what perfect timing your beautiful gifts were! I've had been under a ton of stress, to the point I've gotten sick twice in a week, and today your package came and brought some much needed smiles and tears!! Everything is just PERFECT - you are so thoughtful! Thank you so very much.
From Kim I got a package of hair scrunchies, a package of hair elastics all in beautiful shades of blues and those came with a pin that can be attached either to a hair elastic as decoration or worn on clothing, a bath set with a body poof, body wash, and lotion - and a gorgeous pink purse!
Thank you again Kim!

Topic: **CHECK YUR EMAIL ***
Hi Everyone! I sent out the Card Mail List late on Friday Dec 1. Only 2 people sent me their contact info through OH..( it was hard to cut & paste ) Everyone else was sent the list to their email address..Tammy & Dawn- I resent yours today- to your roadrunner and sbcglobal addresses.. I sent it from my gmail account- and it would say Xmas Card exchange in the subject line.. so if you did not get it- please let me know!
Topic: RE: URGENT: Confusion on gift exchange...
Better late than never, but I did get my message from you...thanks for all your hard work Lori!

Topic: RE: New photo from Christmas on old profile
Hi Lori,
Beautiful dress, and you look great.
Keep up the good work
Take care
Topic: RE: New photo from Christmas on old profile
Beautiful...just Beautiful....
How exciting for you
..... We have my company Christmas party this coming Friday. I'll get a nice picture & post it for ya'll.