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Topic: RE: Connie (Mrs G).....You're Awesome...Thank You
You're very welcome Tammy.
It was fun shopping for you!
Have a very Merry Christmas!

Topic: Thank you, Dawn!!
I loved my gift!! What fun!! You are so creative. I would have never thought of that (a picture calendar, disposable camera and a gift card to develop the pictures). I promise that I will take a few pictures of myself as well. I still feel uncomfortable with that, as you can tell I haven't posted pictures here. However, my Christmas card that I am sending to everyone will have a picture of me and my boys. I am sending my Christmas gift at the end of this week when I get a free moment to go to the post office.
I loved your card as well. Is that your sister with you? I have a nephew that has down syndrome. He is 20 years old and full of life. Our community just adores him. I tell him he should run for a political office. He never meets a stranger. We are very close and he makes life so much more enjoyable.
Lots of LOVE,
Topic: Got my first Christmas Card!
Thanks Connie! I received your card yesterday! I have fallen behind on my list of things to do and haven't mailed mine yet!
I am gonna work on it at lunchtime today.
Thanks again!!!

I suck. I finally got the list, but am having a hard time finding time to get the cards out. I apologize. Work has just been crazy. I've already had to cancel half my Xmas vacation. I still want to get the cards out, but I'm afraid I may not make it.
Torrey (281/177/160)
Topic: Connie (Mrs G).....You're Awesome...Thank You
Thanks so much.... Love your gifts.... The nail polish is great (My girls really love the nail polish too)
Thanks for the earrings & the pin as well...
Couldn't have asked for a better gift... You made my day
You're the best...
Merry Christmas

Topic: RE: Secret Santa coming your way...
Isn't it fun knowing that one day you're going to check the mail and have something you actually want in there
I thought I was only one thinking that

Hi Tammy,
I laugh at how we all think of 'cold' as different based on our norms. We were whining about duty morning duty in weather at 30 degrees and a fellow teacher tossed back she was doing it in 4 degrees! I'm assuming your's is somewhere between the two. I'm heading to where I hope will be snow for Christmas... it's never the same w/o it even though most of my life has been spent where there isn't any. I'll be on the lookout for your test results. I hope they've leveled off just so that you don't have to drag out the testing.
Topic: RE: i sent out my package for gift exchange!
Well, Monday didn't work - but it did go out Friday!!!