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Topic: Secret Santa On His Way
I mailed my secret santa gift yesterday. It should be there Monday or Tuesday. I hope she likes it!
Topic: RE: Holiday Drama
Hi Torrey!
I KNOW the timing with this is not good, but keep thinking positively. I'm living proof that you CAN live life POST OP, and exercise with anemia. They caught it before surgery- and I did the colonoscopy a week before surgery- you won't feel anything.
My hematcrit and hemoglobin was really low-I would have to read back my journal- but it WAS the equivalent of a 13yr old girls level...And I went thru 9 weeks of iron infusions as a result. I am now taking Rx iron pills and I have to back in and see if I need to do it again. My hematologist said I may have to do it once or twice a year- depending on my levels. I just saw my surgeon yesterday and Im doing my blood tests this weekend- so we shall see how I've stabilized.
HANG IN THERE! Wait for the test results. There could be 1000 reasons as to what is going on with you. You will get through this & all will be fine.
Enjoy your holidays!
love, Donna

Topic: RE: Got my first Christmas Card!
Hi DI!! So he makes you feel like a Princess? Can I call you Princess DI?
YES! I got your Xmas Card yesterday! Isn't it great- how suddenly it really impacts
you- all these changes? I keep saying that surgery changes you, you change as a result and the WORLD YOU live in, changes for the better! I wish I could be 35 again and feel the way I do now. I tried struggled so - with my weight as my son grew up- I would have been a different mother.That is my only regret..And funny thing- now that my son lives in Illinois, I wondered what I was going to do, with all my free time! LOL!!
It's wonderful when dreams come to life! I thought I was the only single person out there still looking. Love comes along when you least expect it!
Im mailing out my Xmas Cards today. Im going to take a picture with John at the Xmas Tree at Rock Center this weekend.. its going to be 60 degrees thru Monday! YAY!!
love, Donna

Topic: Holiday Drama
I'm so sorry about the Xmas cards. I've had a little too much drama of late. Lots of visits to the doctor. I went from thinking I was pre menopausal, to having borderline anemia. Two weeks ago I had my labs done again, and I now have severe anemia. Yet another visit to the doctor to have more blood work done and another fun little test. Turns out I have blood in the stool. Now I get to have a colonoscopy for Xmas.
I can't wait to find out the cause. I don't know if its a side effect from the RNY or something else entirely. Strange that it showed up a year out.
So I've been completely distracted, plus work like drama. I'll try to get to the cards this weekend, but know I'm thinking happy holidy thoughts about you all.
Merry Merry Torrey (281/177/160)
Topic: RE: I mailed my SS Package Today...
I mailed mine today too! Also priority 2 day.
She should have it in her hot little hands by Saturday night!
Have a great time in AC! Lucky butt! Wish I could go..
The west coast is sooo boring... I need to come to NY and visit you and Donna!
We would have a blast!
Take care and stay safe!

Topic: RE: Did you get it??? Secret Santa...
Depending on what day of the week it is you could have her
She is a handful, I get all my exercise in with just her alone. And talking to her is like talking to a grown woman in a little body
We just took family photos so as soon as I get them I'll post so you all can see more of her.

Topic: RE: Did you get it??? Secret Santa...
Keisha, Your baby girl Zoe is a doll. I collect dolls and would love her in my collection. (Just kidding I know she is real, but they could make a doll of her by all means.) I hope she has a fun and exciting Christmas.
Topic: RE: Did you get it??? Secret Santa...
I am soooo glad you received it and liked it. I was so worried (people just can't be trusted this time of year). Now I can breathe a sigh of relief
Please enjoy it all and have a wonderful and Merry Christmas!!!!!

Topic: RE: Got my first Christmas Card!
Oh Donna, I just read this post and I love to hear love stories. I meet the man of my dreams and we have been together 10 months now. He is the best I have ever had. I was always looking for something else. I have finally found my soul mate and I know how you feel. I wish everyone love and happiness this holiday season.
You'll see us in my card/letter