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Topic: Sherry L
Just wanted to let you know I got your wonderful gift!! Thankyou so much!! I was really suppised to get mail!! Much love to you! I do hope you have a wonderful Christmas and new Years!!I hope you are doing well! Hope all goes well with you!
love sheree
Topic: To All My Wonderful OH Family!!!
It always seems, at this time of year, I like to reflect back over the year. The good, the bad, what I would & wouldn't change. For the first time in MANY MANY YEARS I can honestly say that this has been one of the BEST years of my life. I have continued successfully with my WLS & have maintained sooooo much friendship & support from all of you. I have rekindled an old friendship that blossoms more & more each day. Most importantly my health & the health of my children is TOP NOTCH!!!! I'm so thankful for all the blessing that I have received this year. Both myself & my husbands place of employment is still going strong (which is a MAJOR blessing with the way the economy is), my wonderful girls are doing great in school academically, with sports & are all very healthy, happy, girls. We've purchased to new vehicles & are looking at a house to buy.
I just can't express the appreciation I have for all of you. Without your support, I could never had made it through
. I know that my time on here has been limited, but I'm trying really hard to make time for ME
& will focus more on that in the New Year. Back to basics...eating right, exercising, water, vitamins...POSTING ON OH..etc etc etc.....
((((HUGS)))) &

Topic: RE: Happy Holidays and Thank You
Happy Holidays to you too.... It sure was wonderful getting so many cards. Think I got 10 all in one day.
Good luck with your surgery... I'm up for losing that last 20 lbs in the New Year as well.

Topic: Debbie M...did it make it without breaking?
Just wanted to make sure your present didn't break in it's travels....
Let me know
Happy Holidays

Topic: RE: Did you get it Dawn?
Hi Dawn,
One of my good friends makes those candles and they are always real strong smelling. She has a website, I think its on the candles, if not, let me know and I will email it to you. Kohls also has a cinninilla one that is great. I hope yo uenjoy them.
Merry Christmas!
Topic: RE: Happy Holidays and Thank You
Hi Diana,
I love getting all the cards as well. I've never had so many and they're covering my kitchen wall. I hope your surgery goes smoothly.
Merry Christmas!!
Topic: RE: Did you get it Dawn?
Hi Angie,
I got it TODAY!! A full seven days - so much for priority mail uh? I love it and my house smells yummy!! Are the candles made locally? I've never seen a cinnilla one before! Thank you and Merry Christmas!!
Topic: Happy Holidays and Thank You
I wanted to wish you all a Wonderful Holiday Season, Thank you for all the wonderful cards I have enjoyed them all and will cheerish them as I do not throw them away. I keep them and will read through them next year. I wish you all the very best in the coming year.
For me I am really going to lose another 10 to 15 lbs. and really firm up my body. I will be having surgery again on 12/26 and this one will keep me from working out. I will resume exercising and back to the basics of eating since I have been eating junk this past week. I too want to get ready for Plastic Surgery but not until I get my body in tip top shape. Since I am sure I will have to pay for it all....
263/148/135 to 130
Topic: RE: Hello Aug 05 ers!
Thank you for the responses. I have cheated a little but not to bad. I seem to go up and down between 135 & 140. I was holding some water weight and I am now back to 135. It just drives me nuts when it goes up. I did not come this far for that! I am not sure if I am getting in enough calories either. I need to write it down and see what I am taking in. Do you have that problem?
Topic: RE: Hello Aug 05 ers!
Hi Adrienne,
Welcome!! Hope you have a great holdiay season.
I'm in the same boat as you, but I know that I am doing a bit of cheating these days. I think that if we both get back to the basics, we'll see that scale move again. I've lost 110 so far and my goal is 150. I have about 34 to go.
So here is to keeping each other accountable at the start of the new year.