Recent Posts
Topic: RE: To All My Wonderful OH Family!!!
Good for you... You're doing AWESOME. My sisters family bought her a pilates machine for Christmas & I'm thinking I should go to her house each morning & work out with her. Think it would be fun. She's on a Disney Cruise right now, but I'm watching her dog so I think I'll try it out this weekend.
Congratulations on joining the gym. You are a warrior.... What a compliment. I'm so proud of you
I think you're going to be my inspiration this year

Topic: RE: Hello friends!
Hi Shiree,
I know how busy you are...I too am just now posting on 1/4/07 and you posted this on 12/22 before Christmas. Wow! what a whirlwind these days have been.
Life is so good and the friends I've met on OH have been wonderful. Hope your new year is awesome and that you stay on track for the year with you WLS.
Topic: RE: To All My Wonderful OH Family!!!
Hi Tammy,
Read your post and found it inspiring! I too am looking to getting back to the basics and have joined our local gym (planet fitness for $10 a month) Just couldn't beat the price and not join. So far this year, I've gone over on my lunch hour and have been loving every minute. They pretty much leave you alone to get your workout done and have a fast track for 30 minutes, so I do that and walk on treadmill for about 15 before I have to hit the showers and get done and back to the office. It is less then 3 minutes away, so that's great.
As I was leaving today, Andy, the personal trainer looked at me and said, "You are a warrior, keep up the good work!!" It made me feel so proud of myself!
Have a great 2007 this year and stay true to yourself and your goals!!!!!!!
293/180.5/ 150
Topic: RE: im really frustrated and sad! plastics
Sorry to hear you're going through all of this. Did you change plans on your insurance, or did their requirements change as of 1/1? The reason I ask is because if you did not change your policy & you wer already approved, you shouldn't have to go through the whole approval process again. If you changed insurance companies or policies , then I'd understand. Hopefully, this is all a misunderstanding & you'll be all set for your surgery next month.
Keep us posted, & I'll keep you in my prayers.
Topic: im really frustrated and sad! plastics
A few months ago i was approved for my plastics...tummy tuck and breast lift with implants and had a surgery date of feb. 8. Well on jan 1st this year my insurance changed and i have to go through the whole process again, and they want 6 months of documented rashes and a letter saying im not going to lose any more weight. Well, i dont have the rash documents becuz i self treat them so im prolly not going to get approved. If i dont get a ins approval by next week, my surgery will be cancelled. I am very happy i lost over 100 lbs and dont want to sound selfish or greedy, but im so sad and ive been crying for 2 days becuz i had the approval already and it was taken from me. I just wanted to vent and update all of you on whats going on. ill let you know ASAP if im approved or denied as soon as i know. Thanks for listening.
Love u all
Topic: RE: Hope this helps
Hi Joyce,
Lots of great info and support. I've copied it and put it in a word processing doc for future reference.
Thanks for sharing!
Topic: RE: Fell off the wagon, need help getting back on.
Hi Jackie,
Happy New Years! Great knowing what you need to do and wanting to do it! You have all the tools you need - your basic meal plan from the beginning and a pouch that works. If you want to try something not so restrictive - try my doctor's plan - 3 meals a day - NO SNACKING - and each meal is 75% protein first then 25% anything else. Don't forget your water and vitamins. You only have 12 lbs to go - they may be the hardest, but you're so close... a little strictness and you'll be there. Here's to starting the year meeting your goal.
258/135 - at goal since May 2006

Topic: Hope this helps
Hi All
I got this from someone on the main board and he is fine with me sharing it. It may be what some of us need this time of year
Take care
We see this all the time-
"Plateau Buster! Will someone Re-post?"
Many times I've just copied the "Plateau Buster"
From my hard drive and posted.
More and more I started including the Caveat of-
"Stalls or Plateaus are normal. Stay with protein first
And stay the course, but don't fall back into the 'Diet Mentality'
That didn't work for you before WLS."
Well, that's not what they asked for,
So who am I to "tag on" the little
But what to do?
Then it occurred to me....
What about a whole NEW PLATEAU BUSTER!
A "Life-Style for Life."
Not just a terse little list that reinforces the Diet Mentality that
"Yo-yoed" so many to where they needed WLS
To get a new start.
So Here's my "beta-version".
I'm not sure about the feasibility of it at all.
But Like Me,
It's a "Work in Progress."
To Break A Plateau:
Realize many, in fact Most Post-Ops
Share this common experience-
Done everything right and lost weight steadily,
Suddenly- the scale won't budge.
Like many others, you've reached a plateau.
When weight loss slows and comes to a stop.
Before you get discouraged and abandon
Your long-term weight loss Strategy of life-style change,
Understand that plateaus occur in any slimming-down process.
Stick with the program and your weight loss will kick in again.
Before you rush to "prosecute,"
And take drastic action,
Do some investigation.
Figure out if you really are on a plateau.
The scale may be a less than least reliable reflection of fat loss.
Look at other indicators. Are you feeling better?
Do your clothes feel looser?
If you're losing inches but not pounds,
Your fat cells are still shrinking.
Figure in the duration of the stall.
You're only on a "plateau" if there's NO change at all
For more than four weeks.
And even at 4 weeks, don't "assume" anything.
There may be a very Tangible Reason
For the slowdown and Plateau.
If you Truly want to BREAK a Plateau,
Identify and understand the true "Culprit"
Before you just "Open Fire!"
Get this one out of the way first
By being scrupulously honest with yourself.
Are you "Cheating?"
Cheating? It's not a Diet!
But weight loss is directly the result of -
Calories in versus Calories Used.
Are you putting in any "unplanned" nutrition?
Empty Calories?
A little thing will be the "tipping point."
Emotional and compulsive behavior
May allow you to "sabotage" yourself.
It certainly does so many Pre-Op.
Look at what you are doing with extreme scrutiny.
Check for hidden sources of -
Calories / Carbs / Sugars / Un-wanted Fats-
Read Your Labels Carefully!
Sugar goes under many different names
And in some cases does NOT appear as "sugar" on the label.
Many vitamin tablets have sugar fillers. CHECK!
Conversely, Are you taking in too Little Nutrition?
Many times you carry over habits from other diets & eat too little.
EAT UP... Food is Necessary Fuel, not the Enemy!
Don't skip meals. Just eat Protein First,
Higher nutrition, Lower Calorie Foods.
Don't cut your caloric intake to less than 1200 calories per day.
Increase the amount of protein in your meals.
Don't starve yourself.
Cutting calories to an extreme will Not help you.
Try cutting excess fat and calories to a reasonable level
(usually 1200 to 1800 calories a day, but determined by YOUR Size.)
And divide these up into frequent small meals
(of about 200 to 300 calories each) every few hours.
Eat a decent amount of protein with each meal
To help you feel satisfied longer.
If you keep your carbohydrate intake to no more than 20 grams a day
Your body will go into a state of Ketosis and it will be Hard Not to lose.
A frequent eating schedule will provide a constant source of energy,
Keep your metabolism higher without the insulin rebound.
Six small feedings a day are better at maintaining level metabolism
Than 3 large meals.
(notice I did not say that 6 meals are better than 3, just better AT...)
Perhaps aim for foods with a lower glycemic index.
Check into it at-
You may have a mineral imbalance.
How's your blood-work?
Such as zinc/copper. Or a trace mineral shortage.
Such an imbalance can definitely slow the metabolism
Reducing your "resting consumption" of calories.
Certain nutrients are often recommended to aid in weight loss,
Including chromium, pantethine, selenium, vanadium
And biotin to help stabilize blood sugar and metabolize fat.
Getting enough Potassium?
Potassium shortages are common
For early out Post-Ops. How's your blood-work?
Exercise? Exercise can improve circulation,
Stabilize blood sugar & other important metabolic benefits.
If you're walking, great.
But at some point in your loss,
Walking becomes just Activity
And no longer "Exercise."
Are you Breaking a Sweat?
If you have been only walking or cycling,
Try doing some weight lifts and vice versa.
If you are not yet exercising
Try to add some sort of activity to your regular schedule.
At least 20 minutes a day is recommended for beginners.
Walk, Walk, Water, Water...
There's a reason for that "Mantra."
Increase your water consumption to stimulate lipolysis
(The breakdown of fat stored in fat cells )
And clean your system of excess ketones.
Many Nutritionists recommend
Avoiding eating within 3 hours of bedtime.
Especially avoid any foods that are higher in carbs
As this can trigger insulin production which in turn
Will inhibit fat-burning while you are asleep.
Have you considered Food Allergies?
These may cause all sorts of problems, fatigue, headache, etc...
Check possibility of such causes by dropping out one food
From your diet and checking for changes in how you feel.
The most common culprits are-
Milk, Eggs, Nuts & Peanuts, Fish, Shellfish, Soy and Wheat.
Perhaps checkout-
Maybe you have issues with food additives.
Some food colorings cause metabolic responses
Such as sluggishness or hyperactivity in some sensitive children.
Example- YELLOW 5 ... Artificial coloring found in
Jell-O, baked goods, etc... Causes mild allergic reactions,
Primarily in aspirin-sensitive persons.
Check some of the food additives that show up on your labels.
Perhaps a look at-
Caffeine? Yes, it's a "fence sitter" when it comes to "Dieting"
Coffee, cola & tea stimulate release of insulin
With a temporary lift in energy followed by hunger,
Fatigue & slower weight loss.
Are you Drinking Alcohol?
Empty Calories and Alcohol stimulates insulin.
While we're on "the bible-belt vices,"
Smoking? Smoking uses up vitamin C & stimulates the adrenal gland.
Although quitting smoking is classically
A cause for weight increase,
Long term non-smoking, actually aids
The metabolism to remain a constant fat-burning, healthy machine.
None of the above?
It may be medications you are taking.
Many drugs, even aspirin, can cause or increase incidence of hypoglycemia.
Watch out for hormones, amphetamines, diuretics, antihistamines,
Anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, anticoagulants, antidiabetics,
Antibiotics, tranquilizers, clofibrate, acetaminophen, and propanolol.
Beta-blockers, can make your body extremely resistant to weight loss.
Sometimes it isn't what you ARE taking
But what you WERE taking that slows you down.
Different meds last month?
Hormones? They can slow down weight loss
And stimulate the production of insulin.
Estrogen (used in birth control pills) and
Testosterone have much the same effect.
Too much Salt? Typically early on this is not an issue,
But later, excessive salt can cause some water retention.
What about 'plain old' portion sizes?
Many people misinterpret the instructions regarding
Eating as "Just Eat till you are Full!
The pouch size will 'tell you' when it's too much."
That assumes you have "re-learned" the feeling of Satiety
As opposed to "Full."
You may need to track your caloric intake and exercise more closely.
Many people find "tracking at" a very useful tool.
Check it out at-
So you've made it through this long list and EVERYTHING
Checks out. Perhaps you have a metabolic resistance to losing weight,
And if that is the case, you must consider EVERYTHING -
Your Plateau, if it continues, could possibly require
Medical attention.
Continued thyroid problems would definitely call for medical solutions.
Excessive yeast infestation may be part of your problem.
Overgrowth of yeast in the digestive tract has been shown
To provoke food intolerance, headaches and immune-system weakness,
And can keep you from losing weight
By causing unstable blood sugar.
If your plateau WON'T Break,
Enlist your physician to help find the problem.
Done all of this and still looking for the "short list?"
Then what can I say-
"Eat Meat, Cottage Cheese and water for 10 days!
Just try Not to Think of it as a Diet."
You will most likely get a "Bang!"
That will jolt your metabolism into losing.
But if you want more than a bang,
If you want a real "Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster"
To make your system Un-inhabitable for excess fat,
For generations to come,
Then adjust your "Life-Style for Life
Topic: RE: Fell off the wagon, need help getting back on.
Hey Jackie,
I know exactly how ya feel. I have been going through some rough times personally and of course food is always there to comfort us in out times of trouble. So I too and in the same boat and need to get back on track.
Take care
Topic: Fell off the wagon, need help getting back on.
I haven't been on the boards for a while. I was so gung-ho on WLS, following my diet, etc. Now, 16 months out, I need help getting back on track. I plan to go back to my support group meeting in January, but in the meantime, I need some motivation and a food plan to get me back on track. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.