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Topic: RE: Fell off the wagon, need help getting back on.
Those are some great suggestions that you received. I am weighing between 149-154 now. I would love to reach my goal of 140, but like you, I have fallen way off the bandwagon!! We need start posting everyday again on an exercise post.
Topic: RE: Sherry L
You are sooo welcome. I did not know what you would like. Hope you had a great holiday season.
Topic: RE: No secret santa gift...
Until you get involved with organizing this gift and card exchange- you don't realize how much work and organization goes on- just to get the list to you or to have it organized fairly.. I sent out the email list for the cards- myabe 5 or 6 times- simply because some people didn't check their original email address they gave me.. Point is-
I didn't mind resending it- because I knew it would make everyone's Xmas brighter and
becuz I committed to organizing it.. and I know Lori
went to similar lengths to ensure everyone was included and had a buddy to send to/receive from.
ticked off at the party involved, and after all this time, should have acknowledged what happened.
To the person who did not receive a gift-
I am truly sorry you were overlooked..can I send you a Valentine's card and some sugar free candy?
This has been an amicable board of friendship until now. By creating this mishap, it puts everyone's trust in play which negatively effects all of us. And that really freakin sucks.

Topic: RE: No secret santa gift...
Wow Lori, that's terrible! I was in the secret buddy program on OH for 8 months - never received ONE gift. It was emotionally tough to know that someone just didn't care, they had obviously signed up just to get free goodies for themselves. I finally had to quit, it was so disappointing every month to not receive anything and all the lady in charge was able to get out of my buddy was that 'something came up, it's on the way' or 'i emailed her and got no response' (which was a total lie and hurt worse)... I agree, if you make a commitment, follow through and if you can't, TELL the person in charge so they can decide what to do from there for the other person involved.
So, you didn't ruffle my feathers, other than I'm so sorry to hear one of our Augusters didn't get a gift.
BTW - I love your new avatar pic Lori!

Topic: No secret santa gift...
It has come to my attention that one of our members here didn't receive her secret santa gift.
I just have to say that I think that STINKS! I tried emailing this person directly but never heard back. I hoped maybe the person would read this and give some kind of explanation as to why the gift was never sent. Maybe you did and it never made it.
If you make a comittment to do something, you should do it. If something comes up preventing you from fulfilling that comittment, say something. No big deal. Other arrangements could have been made. Better than getting someone's hopes up and then letting them crash to the ground.
I am not trying to start a war here.. And I didn't want to have to post this but felt like I should say something. Hopefully we will get an explanation why. I would be heartbroken if this was me.
Sorry if I ruffled anyone's feathers. That was not my intent.
Take care,

Topic: RE: im really frustrated and sad! plastics
Hi Kim,
I'm sorry! Don't you love how one insurance won't take what another approved? I have a co-worker whose husband was on a heart transplant list and the entire bargaining unit didn't change insurance companies specifically because if they had he would have had to start all over again with getting qualified to be put on a list and once approved, been put back to the bottom. So, in perspective, waiting a possible additional 6 months isn't the end of the world, but I very much understand your frustration, anger, and unhappiness. I hope it goes as smoothly as possible at this point.
Topic: RE: im really frustrated and sad! plastics
I'm so bummed for you too!! I'll say a little prayer for a miracle for you!
Topic: RE: Fell off the wagon, need help getting back on.
Wow, Jackie,
Thanks for the is a reminder for us all. The holidays were not difficult, but not perfect for me either. I choose to take a slight break and even though I did, I lost more during December then I have in the past couple of months. I believe the reason was due to putting exercise back into the regime. When I treated myself to a cookie or 2 (yes, I did) I made sure to get on the eliptical trainer and walk away the extra caleries.
Then I joined our local gym and have started the new year with a vengance. I wonder where I would be today if I had started with weight training and more cardio at the start instead of 17 months out. Well, I can't get those months back, so it is just time to move forward and see what happens now.
I do need to get back to the basics and get in more protein. I think I'll try the suggestion by one and go on 3 meals a day with 75% protein and the 25% of whatever else for the next few weeks along with excerise and vitiamins and water!!! Those are the keys to success.
I need to lose 30.5 pounds to reach my goal, so I got a few more pounds to loose then you. Good luck on getting those last 12 off!!! I'll be thinking good thoughts for you and hope you'll do the same for me!