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Topic: RE: How Do I Move Old Profile story to New Profile Story??
I did a copy and past too. I didn't see any other way.
Topic: RE: How Do I Move Old Profile story to New Profile Story??
May not be the most efficient way to do it, but I just did a Copy and then Pasted that into my new area. Worked OK for me.
Topic: How Do I Move Old Profile story to New Profile Story??
Hi there....I've just saved my Old Profile story to an email but how do I move it to the new format they have for the "New Profile" page??? The new profile page STORY is blank and I don't see that the computer moved all my journal updates for the last 18 months....any help with that??? thanks
Topic: In case anyone wants to know...
Our wonderful Ms. Eileen McCall was the person who was left out of the gift exchange.
I, for one, feel very badly for her. She is such a nice person.
I know she told me that she is blessed in many other ways so her holiday wasn't ruined by any means. But it still hurts to be forgotten.
I still haven't heard any explanations as to why. Probably never will. I too hope that Debbi is ok.
Take care everyone,

Hi!! How is everyone doing? I am booking my business trilp to Vegas
for April 13 thru 22..I'm staying at the Mandalay Bay and Im getting a reduced cost
of $199 per night- because of the conference I will be attending..I have been checking pricing of other cheaper hotels- and the pricing is the same and its a 5 star hotel..
I know we've all spoken about meeting etc and I can share my room with 2-3 other that would split the cost of the room tremendously and may possibly be
one of the cheapest for anyone who is interested..
Please contact me by email or message me here if you are interested..
Ciao! Donna

Topic: RE: i got approved for plastics! AGAIN!
Congratulations!!!!! How exciting for you..... Only a month away.... Good for you. Keep us posted. It'll be interesting to see the before and afters.
Topic: RE: i got approved for plastics! AGAIN!
Panni is about the same thing as tummy tuck but the panni is only the lower tummy. a tummy tuck is where they tighten muscles and "sculpt" your abs, which is several thousand dollars more. i have heard that you wont be AS HAPPY with just a panni, but ill be happy about getting the lower removed. I will send before and after photos for all you you guys too. i did get approved for the breast lift also, i have no tissue left, only skin, so i am putting my money towrds the implants. It is 2500.00 more to get the implants but im going to figure out a way to afford them!! when yu go to the consult, have him explain the differances about the "extras" so youoll know if u want to get anything more than just the "covered" things. Be on top of everything, follow up with phone calls if people received things (like faxes, etc). tell them if you have had a rash, and if you didnt go to the dr and self treated it, TELL THEM you self treated it! i had small rash under my breast the day of my consult so that was good, lol...they WILL have you strip nude and take pictures of you, and the surgeron WILL grab your breasts and tummy like its "nothing" lol he was lifting my boobies up and everything, like it was my finger, be ready for that! i was a little embarrsed! And to anyone else who wants to see my before pics of my breasts and tummy, Email me @ [email protected] and ill show you. Its a little embarrsing but i know we are all in the same boat and are curious about other people to see if were "normal" lol..i havent taken the tummy pics yet, but i will if someone wants to see my tummy before. i do have the breasts pics AND you can see the rash i had (thats why i took pics...
love you all !
Topic: RE: i got approved for plastics! AGAIN!
I'm so happy for you, Kim.
Is Panni the same thing as a tummy tuck? Did you get approved for your breasts as well? I go next Thursday for my 1st consult.
Do you have any advise for me?

Topic: RE: i got approved for plastics! AGAIN!
Hi Kim!
'What's important is not necessarily where you are, but in what direction you are going.' Oliver Wendel Holmes

Topic: RE: im really frustrated and sad! plastics
oh, my husbands JOB changed insurance companies on jan 1st! but i just did a new post saying i got approved AGAIN! YAY! surgery feb 9th!
thanks everyone!