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Topic: RE: Everyone ready for our 18 month check-up?
Congrats on your plastics! I can't wait to get in for a consult! Glad to hear that things are going well for you. We are all trying to get there. I feel like I am turning a corner now so feeling much better about myself.
Take care,

Topic: RE: Everyone ready for our 18 month check-up?
Thank you Sweet Lori! You are so kind and giving of yourself. You better have LOTS of fun in Hawaii!!! Can I go too???
Yeah, I wish.
We are all still in this together even though most of us don't post daily anymore. I still read every single day and try and post when I have time.
I refuse to let this get the best of me!
Take care and have a BLAST in Hawaii!!!

Topic: RE: Everyone ready for our 18 month check-up?
Hi Nanette!
The holidays were a little bad for me too. I found that I could eat a couple of cookies here and there and be ok with it.
Bad Lori!
My goal is to just try and get back on track. It shouldn't be too hard because we all still have our TOOL!
Seems to be working for me. I have lost 3 lbs this week already so I am happy.
Let's just keep supporting each other and not hiding out anymore. I tend to do that when I am feeling guilty or down on myself about my eating habits, etc.
Keep up the good work!

Topic: RE: Everyone ready for our 18 month check-up?
Whoo Hoo Kim! Let's give each other a little kick to the behind!
I'm down with that!

Topic: RE: I AM NORMAL....FINALLY!!!!!
you know, it's so frustrating cuz i've lost 87 pounds, wear 4's and 6's and i'm still not normal! mine is 25.4! it's crazy, cuz i'm at goal and look good, but still can't be normal! at least my body fat is in the normal range and that's more important, but still.......
Lisa B
Topic: RE: Everyone ready for our 18 month check-up?
wow! i didn't even realize it was 18 months this month! on 1/10 i had BL/BA and i'm loving the new "girls"! i'm feeling pretty good and although they're still swollen, they're looking good! my weight is doing very good although with the new additions came 1.5 pounds on the scale. that sucks! i can't work out as hard as i do for a couple of weeks so i'm really watching what i eat right now. i'm sorry some of you are having a rough time. remember this tool really works and it's up to us to keep it going. if you've gotten off track it's ok, just get back on! have a great weekend!
Lisa B
Topic: RE: Everyone ready for our 18 month check-up?
ok girls i know what you all mean! this must be pretty normal then, since were all feeling it....i was down to 152 and through the holidays i ate myself to 158 and it seems like i cant quit putting food in my mouth!! i graze all day and eat cookies and chocolate....i just started going to the gym the last week, ive gone 3 times so far so i guess im trying to hop back on the wagon, but the WORST thing is that i wanted to lose 20lbs before my plastic surgery and it doesnt look like thats gonna happen......thanks for posting this, now i know im not alone.
i love u all and WE CAN DO IT! we just need each other right now. look how far weve come and how happy we were to lose it..we CANT slip back to where we were, and we all know it CAN happen......i dont ever want to go back to being the size that we know weight loss is possible, we need to straighten our LITTLE behinds up!! What do ya say???
Love u!
Topic: RE: i got approved for plastics! AGAIN!
Hi Lori!
My insurance company for the last several years was direct care america or "americas ppo" they were by far the best company ive ever dealt with, BUT as of Jan 1st our new company is preferred one and they also approved it. : )
Topic: RE: i got approved for plastics! AGAIN!
Hi Kim,
HOw exciting!!!! The time is flying by (at least for me). I hope all goes well and let us know how things go for you.
Who is your insurance company if you don't mind my asking?
Topic: RE: Everyone ready for our 18 month check-up?
Hi Lori
You look great in your pic.
I am not to thrilled with 18 months out either. I have been hovering at 180.5 to 183 for the past few weeks. I lost quite a bit for me at the beginning of Dec/Jan, but since my period hit, I'm struggling.
I have been excerising everyday at the gym...which I am loving. And afterward, I feel so hungry, I can almost eat a whole hamburger from McDonald's on the bun (bad for me) but end up throwing about 1/4 of it out. I eat all the meat and toss the bread. I don't do this everyday like I use to (1/4 pounder w/cheese was my fav.) but I do it more than I should and want to. The best place to go for me for a quick lunch is Taco Bell because one taco is still too much for me. Don't know what it is about Taco Bell.
Anyway, this month has been fast at times and slow at others.
I am excited to see the 18 month mark come because I'll be celebrating it in Hawaii with my sis and folks for their 50th anniversary. We are cruising the Norwegian Pride of Aloha and I can't wait. On Sat, 2/3 I'll be Maui and that is my favorite island of all. I plan to celebrate by snorkeling and I even bought a batingsuit in a size 14...I can't believe it!
Well, enough for now. Take care,