Recent Posts
Topic: RE: Hi Everyone! I know its been a while!!
Hi Bridget,
Good for you!! Moving, changing careers, going to school, training for a MARATHON! You're making me tired.
i hope everything continues to go the way you want. Good luck with the police force and be sure to let us know how you're doing.
Oh... any your best feature??? You're willingness to change!

Topic: RE: Miss Everyone
Hey Sweetie!
Wow - what a background of baggage! You've done super to overcome those roll models. I'm with Tammy not knowing really where/how I got to were I was. I can point to life changes, but not really emotional ones. But, if we deal with the here and now, since we can't fix the past, we'll all do fine.
May I suggest a way to select a goal weight? The reason I ask is I'm 5'6 1/2 and weigh 135 and I'm wearing size sm and usually a 6 with some 4's thrown in. As you're 5'8, 135 for you seems like your old 120. I selected 135 because it put me at a 21 BMI which is in the lower side of a healthy BMI range. Since you're goal is to be healthy - why not let the BMI set it for ya?
Glad you're here letting us know how you're doing and giving us support as well.

Topic: RE: Miss Everyone
Hi Tammy,
I TOTALLY agree about spending time with Michael. It always amazes me how many inches he gets folk to lose in 6 weeks. He has a 6-week 'boot camp' type thing you could do - cheaper than plastic - if you can break off from all your work and family for 6 weeks and find someone to stay with.

Topic: RE:'d we do
Walked a 5-mile loop on the river in about an hour and a half. Lone exercise for the week....
Topic: RE: Plastics pre Op appt. surgery feb 9th. 2 weeks from today
Hi Kim,
You've got me scared... sounds like a lot of stuff, but I'm sure you'll do great and I'll pray that it does. I, like everyone else, want to see the before and after pics and all the details. Buying a house comes before plastics so I'm way away from that, but I still dream.
I hope everything goes great!
Topic: RE: Hi Friends.....Exercise Post Reborn???
Hi Tammy,
I haven't been here since the 22nd so I'm just seeing your message - already missed my 18-month anny (isn't that amazing that it's been that long!) so my goal date will be the end of Feb. instead. Exercise for me was an issue before - off/on - little inbetween - and guess what - still the same.
. Oh well, only have myself to be disappointed in. Vitamins are generally good - I get in at least 3 of 5 in a day, with all of them in at least 4 days a week - so that's an okay area. I really, really fell off the water intake so I started a couple of weeks ago by starting my day with a 24oz bottle of water that I added a heaping spoonful of BeneFiber and a tube of Crystal Light. That got me going on water and in other ways!
Then to continue my water intake I bought a new toy - a $30 water bottle! It tells you how much water you need to drink based on your weight - for me - 68oz - then it tells you how many oz, the date, time, and the percentage to your goal. Fun, but now I'm going to the bathroom every 20 mins.
Weight got up 7 lbs above goal last week - purely because of almost non-stop snacking - and not protein - and not exercising - unless you want to call my 1 day - hour long - walk a week exercise.
I've managed to lose 3 of those so far -I've been watching Ellen and she's using an exercise ball - and I've used one during physical therapy before - so... got a ball last night and a mat - now to set the goal to use it.
So... goals are:
By February 28 I would like to
1. Back at 135
2. Working out a minimum of 3 times a week
3. Get back to basics of 3 meals, one protein snack - 75/25 protein/everything else.
4. Continue 68 oz of liquids a day
5. Continue with vitamins & calcium daily
Thanks Tammy! You're the best.

Topic: OMG!!
I know I haven't posted in forever. But I wanted to drop in and say hello... I've missed everyone! I decided to update my profile and not forsake the board again. Hope you're all doing well!!

Topic: RE: Miss Everyone
As for the protein shakes, I make my own.
8oz milk
1/4 cup Carnation instant breakfast mix (chocolate)
2 scoops of unflavored soy protein powder
1 tbsp sugar free chocolate syrup
Blend. The choco syrup helps cover that much protein powder. Going on 12 months and I am not sick of it yet. But I only drink them after I work out (Every other day) or if I am running late in the morning, so maybe that is why I don't get sick of them.
Oh and the stats:
milk 90 cal
protein 120 cal
instant breakfast 130 cal
Choco syrup 12 cal
352 calories
That may seem like a lot, but after working out, I need the protein to rebuild and the natural sugars/carbs to boost me and I don't get hungry in between.
As for the weight issue. Talk to some people around you, LISTEN to what they say about your body. I still look in the mirror and see every flaw, how my stomach sticks out, etc. I am 5'8 and 165. People around me tell me I am sooo tiny. I have never been sooo tiny, so I have a hard time hearing it, but let them give you another perspective on how you really look, outside the clouded view of those 'fat glasses" we all still wear from time to time.
Good Luck!
Topic: Wednesday & Thursday's Gym
Hello Everyone...
Hope you're all doing well. Haven't gotten alot of response. But I'm gonna keep plugging along & keep on posting.
No exercise for me for Wednesday...
71:46 minutes
4.12 miles
165 Fat Cals
530 Cals
180.5 this morning so the scale is going down again
Have a great day... Tomorrow I go back to my surgeons office for a 1 month weigh in & to meet with the nutritionist. I was 183 on Jan 5th, so hopefully, its down.
Have an awesome weekend.... Tomorrow is my baby's 13th birthday...... booo hooo....
((((HUGS)))) &

Topic: RE: Miss Everyone
Hi Diana,
Seems we are all bearing our souls in here lately. I think this is very normal for us though. I am still trying to figure out my issues but am feeling better about things.
We all need to come in here for support when we need it. It feels better knowing that we are all going through much of the same stuff!
Makes it easier to get through it all.
Where do you buy your Juice Plus? I looked for it at Rite Aid today and couldn't find any. I was also looking for a good protein shake (mix) that doesn't taste horrible. I just can't drink the whey protein shakes. They make me gag.
Thanks for checking in. We miss you too!