Recent Posts
Topic: RE: Anyone miss me? My Anemia Saga
No, I don't, but I know I should! I think I'm gonna do my labs this week though. You've scared me into it and I'm tired of feeling lousy all the time.
Topic: RE: Breast Cancer
hi diana
im so sorry to hear about this. you are in my thoughts and prayers. im thinking about you....
love ya
Topic: RE: Update on my Plastic surgery friday!
I just wanted to tell you all that my sister hasnt sent my pics yet! she tried last night but they didnt go through...i should have them late tonight or tomorrow and ill send them to you all when i get for paying for it, my insurance paid for it, but i have been told i have great insurance because my skin isnt "that bad" and most would deny..BUT when you see the pics, you will see that is IS bad enough! so i dont know what insurance companys call good or bad, lol.....if i wanted the EXTRA tightning i would have to pay out of pocket 2500.00 BUT i decided to put my 2500 towards the actual implants when i get my breasts done on march 30th. You need documentation on skin rashes, and pics if you have them, also, keep a log of them yourself, and if you self treat TELL THEM you self treat! You also need your dr to state that you have remained at the same weight for 6 months and you shouldnt lose anymore. please email me if you have any questions.
love u all!
Topic: RE: Gaining Weight...Need Help/Motivation.
I think we are all struggling with this. I don't post alot, but I do read the board faithfully and it's what I need to get motivated to try to get back on track. I have been lucky and haven't gained anything really...I bounce between 153 and 157. I have lost 183 pounds. My goal weight is 150. I too, find myself struggling with bad food choices and falling back into old habits and it scares me to death. The worst for me is night time hunger. Before surgery I would get up in the middle of the night, go to the fridge and just stand there and eat anything that was there. I haven't given in and done that yet, but it is so hard every night not to give into it. Does anyone else struggle with this, and if you do, how do you handle it?
Topic: RE: Update on my Plastic surgery friday!
Hi Kim,
I am so glad everything went well for you! I would love to see the pictures, if you don't mind. I have been thinking about PS in the next few months. Did you have to pay yourself or did your insurance cover it? I am wondering what kind of documentation I will have to get for the insurance. I am so excited for you!
Topic: RE: Breast Cancer
I am so sorry to hear this. I was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago. I was also told that if I hadnt lost the amount of weight that I had, it probably would not have been caught as early as it was. For that I am very very thankful. I did end up having a mestectomy, but you know what? It wasnt as bad as I had anticipated. I am alive, I didn't have to do chemo and I have brand new perky boobs! It was a long road getting here, and it was bumpy along the way, but they have come so far now as far as reconstruction and treatment goes. Please feel free to contact me. I think I remember you telling me at Christmas time that this runs in your family, so I am sure you have alot of advice and support, but I am here if you need anything. I know how scarey and overwhelming it is with all of the decisions you will have to make. Just so you know, in most states it is a LAW that insurance companies have to pay for breast reconstruction when its due to breast cancer. So, you will get that plastic surgery! Some of us just have to go the extreme to get what we want, huh! Take care and please feel free to contact me!
Topic: RE: Update on my Plastic surgery friday!
Hey Kim!!! Congrats on your PS! I believe you are the first one from our group! I would love to see the pics if you don't mind. I want to see what I have to look forward to!
Take care of yourself and get LOTS of rest!

Topic: RE: Breast Cancer
I am so sorry Diana. Hopefully the caught it early enough and you will be fine. I will be praying for you and sending healing thoughts your way. Please keep us posted.

Topic: RE: Gaining Weight...Need Help/Motivation.
Hey girl it had been a while for me too since I have psoted on this board.
I had my surg 8/16 I have lost 88 pounds and I too have found myself eating more junk food and all the stuff I have no business eating. I have maintained though which is amazing I am bouncing between 139-141 pounds. My goal weight is 130.
I too have strated back on my surg diet too to see if helps me get back on track.
I know we all have to go through this at one point in time but I wish we did not have to. ya know.
Well keep us posted on how you are doing....
Take care,
Topic: RE: Breast Cancer
So sorry to hear about this. Hopefully catching this early will result in an excellent outcome for you. I will keep you in my thoughts as prayers as you head into this trying time.
I just had a mammogram on 2/2/07, but it came out ok. I have had one scare with them finding something, but it turned out to be a calcification. I was very concerned and scared at the time, so I can only imagine what you are going through.
Best of luck and keep us informed of how things are going.