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Topic: RE: Help! I am afraid I am sabotaging myself!!!
hi michelle
i actually live in pickerington, just east of columbus. its a lil city or suburb. we got about 12 inches here today and the freezing rain is beating down on my roof as i type,lol...
you look amazing too!! keep it up!
Your new friend,
Topic: RE: Help! I am afraid I am sabotaging myself!!!
Thank you for your reply. We did get some icy snow today! It is crazy how winter has finally shown up!
Thank you for your supportive post. I really need to feel I am not alone right now, I really think stress is a big trigger for me and I have alot of that in my life currently! I do agree that it would be helpful to visit OH more often and communicate with others who understand what I am going through. I have spent some time looking for new healthy low-carb recipes to try -thinking that may help by adding some interest and also thinking about what I am ingesting. I know I can turn this around and get back on track, I sometimes worry I am not maximizing the "window of opportunity". I am glad I am aware, albeit maybe hyper-aware, of what i can potentially do to myself! Thank you again for your kind support-you look great by the way! Congrats on your progress! What part of Columbus do you live in?
Thank you!
Topic: RE: Help! I am afraid I am sabotaging myself!!!
hello michelle
I see your from lebanon ohio...about 1/2 from me! hi neighbor! did you get a bunch of snow today?
Im sorry your having these problems, i think all of us have had some sort or "relapse" at one time or another and these appear somewhat long as you KNOW what your doing you can start to change the things your doing wrong......figure out when and what is triggering these behaviors and figure out a game plan BEFORE you get there so you will know what to do when you feel your sliding....we are all here for you....pick your self up, dust yourself off, and get back on the bandwagon, youll be fine...just believe in can do it!! this board is an awesome support group, please check back often, it really helps, we all truly care for each other here!
Love ya!
Topic: RE: Update on my Plastic surgery friday!
Hi Donna!
yes it is alot of pain but im actually doing way better now! As for my boobs they are flat as pancakes, lol and i have pics of those too if anyone wants them, lol...those are just BEFORE for now. but they didnt have a problem approveing them either...but they only approve a lift....which im told people wont be happy with, so if your thinking of getting them lifted, start saving now for the actual implants which is about 2500-3000 extra.
The panni doesnt go all the way around, its stops right at your hip close to the back. what your thinking of is called something like a belt lectomy or something. thats where they cut the whole way around your body and pull up...i have a huge cut but it stops at just about my back on my hips. i love to take a shower cuz i just stand and look in the mirror in awe at how flat my tummy is...its just like a dream to me. i get all emotional because all my life i wanted to be thin and not "the fat girl" and everything is all coming together for im dreaming....i cant wait till i get my boobs and this tummy heals so i can see the end results. I havent decided whether or not im getting the arm lift and thights yet....well see when im fished with this phase...
love ya
Topic: Help! I am afraid I am sabotaging myself!!!
Hello all! I am really worried about my behavior the past several weeks and wanted to see if anyone was experiencing the same or could offer me some advice or support. I started this WLS journey with a surgery date of 8/2005 I started at 425 lbs and was down to 252 lbs at the first of the year. I still feel like a big girl but realize that starting SMO I would lose to about 200 lbs. It has been about 18 months now and I notice I am so lax about my behaviors now (I was so disciplined and proud of my self control). I eat some carbs, fail to make the time to work out, allow sweet bites to inch into my day and I actually find myself having little snacks (something I never did the first 16 months!) I am weighing in at 260 this morning, feel bloated, and I want to sit down and cry uncontrollably...I am feeling as though I am heading down the wrong road...I want to stop!!! I have to!! The thing most disturbing to me is that I tend to now eat until I feel uncomfortable, like I have lost the sense to stop when I should. Then I feel hungry again in a couple of hours. I feel so desperate! I do not want to ever be the "old me" ever again.....Can someone indentify or offer some help? Please?
Feeling desperate,

Topic: RE: Sorry, I need to vent or else I'm going to lose it!!
WOW! Dawn- UN believable. I have had DirectTV over 3yrs now- even moved with it- no problems- with the receiver etc. I had it before they were bought out by the company that heads them now- and I always thought- what a great service they are and how much I LOVE having Tivo. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems- but if its not the phone company- its gonna be the cable or direct tv!
I commend you for realizing it's about choices and not choosing to salve wounds and anger with food- I know it was extremely difficult. I hope you took a good hot bath or had something healthy and warm ( soup?) I hate it when just doing something SIMPLE turns into a major deal and adding insult to injury with each attempt at resolution. I think Im glad I've kept the same 2 receivers all this time.
Today is a new day- new perspective. If you need any help- just threaten them with
"I've got a friend in NY who will kick your butt- and you know how NY'ers get !" So either resolve the problem or talk to her!!
Sometimes it also helps when you mention you are going to have your attorney sue them. THAT also gets attention with results.
I wish I could help ya more. Keep Smiling!

Topic: RE: Update on my Plastic surgery friday!
Hi Kimmie!! So glad to hear you are happy with PS results! I have 2 firends that have done the TT (both post ops and one is a nurse) and one had the Panni. My friend Lori- ( a nurse) - had the whole circumference- I guess its a lower body lift? She said WLS recovery and pain was nothing compared to that... and she had lipo on her thighs etc
I think it took her 4-6wks to recover ad I know she said- she lost some feeling in her thighs- did you have any lipo too? .so I also thought - I would do the Panni - but had no idea it went all the way around..
I know - I wanna do my arms, my breasts and probably my legs and vaginal area.
My girls look really good in a bra- but they are so freaking flat!! I went from a 42D to
36/38C, and I swear one is longer than the other & less full. So I think my insurance company may cover it- I don't know. I'm still losing weight- 5lbs away from Onderland
and working on it.
Most of my weight has been in my legs, arms and stomach area & even though I fit into womens 14- my stomach keeps me from fitting into smaller clothes. I wish I could funnel the fat to my BOOBS! LOL
Thanks for sharing with us- I may ask to see pics later..I still need to get my weight lower. How long did your surgeon advise for recovery? Take it easy- don't worry about food- but GET your protein in- I understand that protein speeds up the healing process.
So be well and be happy!

Topic: RE: Breast Cancer
Hi Diana !
I am sorry to hear about this. I do know when it comes to cancer, that one of the highest success rates is with early detection, and breast cancer has the others beat.
And I have a really good friend who at 41, he has survived cancer and chemo and a really nasty divorce (LOL) . He has counseled me so many times just thru WLS. I know you are also a survivor and your attitude will carry you and strengthen you, just as you carried yourself through WLS.
Your August buddies are here for you and I'm sending you strength and love and hugs and some of my sanity. ( Hey whatever I have left- Is what I need) LOL
Keep looking up!

Topic: RE: Update on my Plastic surgery friday!
i have the pics but no one sent me thier email address! please send it to [email protected] and put in the subject line OH pics or something and ill email the pics right away. I cant figure how to get peoples email addys on this site!
Topic: I have pics from PS but no email addys to send to!
i know a few of you want to see the before and after pics and i now have them, but i didnt receive any email addresses to send them too!
please email me PRIVATE to [email protected] and put OH pictures in the subject line OR reply here that you want to see pics in this post and include your email in here and ill send them to you ASAP!
To those of you who wonder, the pain isnt as bad anymore and its day 5. I even went to kmart yesterday for some sweatpants AND put on makeup and did my hair, lol!
anyway get me some email addys and your pics will be on thier way! Ill update pics every few days!