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Topic: RE: Why did I test myself??
I'm with you TOni. I got below 200 on May 9th, got all the way down to 197.5 but my scale this am says 200 again. we both just need to get back on the horse. Ihave discovered Hershey's sugar free chocolate it only tastes a little different from the regular hershey's and they make several types from turtles to the mini chocoloate bars. Also, I have gone to the Nabisco 100 calorie cookie snacks, like the oreo snaks or they have a peanut butter cookie type snakc that tastes like nutter butter cookies. when I am craving the junk foor, I grab a bag. NOT the best snack, but only 100 calories and it feels like I am cheating cause I can eat the whole bag!
If you want a "buddy" to keep you on track, you can email me. Maybe we can help each other get and STAY below 200!
Topic: RE: Hit the 100 pound mark woo hoo
COngratulations Joyce! That must be a great feeling! I am struggling to stay below 200 bt I am within reaching distance of 100lbs..I'm at 90! Keep going with your GREAT WORK!!!
Topic: RE: My sister told me I look old...
Lori -
I'm sorry your family can't be supportive of you. But come here, we love you and will support you!!! Jealous-cats, all of them!
Vent anytime you need to! It bothers me to read how some family members are so unsupportive and actually say hurtful things. I mean, OMG, didn't we have enough strangers say belittling things about our weight? Having family say nasties just makes it that much worse!
Good for you for being the "bigger" person and not being like them!! I always say it's a good thing we can't pick our family, because if we could, we probably wouldn't pick the ones we have!
I know it's hard, but try not to let it bother you - again, we're here for you, to laugh, cry and celebrate with you - always!
Take care,
Teresa - lap rny 8/2/05 - 370/236/170
Topic: RE: Day 20, 21 & 22 Exercise
How did your daughter do at district? Our girls made it to Sub-State but lost the second and third game. They are only freshmen and sophomores - so they will probably go all the way the next two years.
Hunter's baseball season is about over. Thank God! Our last regular season game is tomorrow and his post season - double elimination tournament begins Thursday night. He usually always gets chosen for All Stars and my husband gets asked to coach, but I am going to beg them not to do it. I told my son that I would send him to a baseball camp at the University of Alabama if he passes on All Stars this year. We need some time off.
Topic: My sister told me I look old...
I showed my sister my new message board pic and she said, "Lori, that picture makes you look really old!" My jaw about hit the floor!
She is so jealous of me losing weight that she can only give me bad compliments. It ****** me off. We have had this sibling rivalry over our weight issues for years. She has ALWAYS been smaller than me. For the first time in our lives I am the smallest sister. You think she would be proud of me. But noooo. I made the remark that the heavier women give me dirty looks now when we go out. Both my sisters told me that I should expect that and that I should get over myself! The only thing I meant by it was that I am not a b*tch to these women, and I don't flaunt myself in front of their men, and I smile at them. I do nothing to provoke this. But my sisters pointed out that they (my sisters and these women) do not like skinny beyotches because they think they are something special. I can't believe that I never noticed this attitude from them before. But I am sure it has always been there. They also had the guts to tell me that they have resented me their whole lives because I was the oldest and got all the glory. I got a graduation party, I got senior pictures, I got this, I got that...etc. Of course this was the night that I was their designated driver and was sober. They were NOT sober. They made me feel bad. I didn't say anything as they were jabbering back and forth in my truck as I drove them home. They were talking like I wasn't even there. I will approach them sometime with this but I am still hurting from their comments. I even have my mom, who had DS surgery 2 1/2 years ago and weighs 150lbs, make comments to me. She said, in a snotty tone, that I was going to pass her up. She loves being the smallest in the family after 50 years of being the biggest. I tell her all the time how good she looks. Well now I am getting attitude from her that I may end up passing her in our weightloss. I give up. I can't win with my family and never have. They are always cutting someone down or gossiping about someone. It makes me sick. I am so glad that I am not like them. And NEVER will be.
Sorry this is so long. But I needed to vent. And I knew you all would be ok with it. Thanks for lending an "ear"...
Love you all,

Topic: RE: How much have you lost?
Starting weight :450 lbs
Current Weight: 261 lbs
Total loss: 189 lbs!!!!
Starting size:36/38
Current size:16/18
Topic: RE: Guess what???
Thanks Diana! You will get there. Especially if you are training for a race! Whoo Hoo! Way to go!