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Topic: RE: Pictures of my journey
Hey Tammy!!
Thanks. We were wondering where you were. Glad to see you back and I hope all is well.

Topic: RE: Day 23 Exercise
There you are! I was worried! I am praying that your daughter's tests come back negative.
You made me smile with your long lost sister comment. I feel the same way about you!
I have my 9-month check up tomorrow so I am being extra good today. It looks like it is gonna just dump rain any second but I am determined to get out there and walk. I might even go to lunch early just so I can walk. I am also waterloading and staying away from any kind of salt! I don't want my weight to be up again!
I am gonna ponder what our June incentive should be too. I will let you know if I get any ideas!
Anyone else have any ideas???
Love ya bunches!
40lbs to goal! Member of the Century Club!

Topic: Day 23 Exercise
Good Afternoon Girlie Girls..........
How's everyone on this BRISK (yup still chilly in Upstate NY) Tuesday??? Hope you're all doing well. My daughter had a bunch of tests last Friday. Still waiting on the results. Hopefully, they're all negative & we can chalk this up to teenage hormones..... Only bad thing with that is the episodes are unexpected... UGGHHH Think we're ready for them now, though.
Anyway.... got my butt moving today. Got on the scale this morning & I was 189.5...didn't like that so I walked 3 fast as I could cuz I was FREEZING...
How's everyone else doing with their exercise today????
Let's get moving girls... Summer is fast approaching.... Trying to think of a June incentive/challenge.... I'm sure it will be fun... Will let you know once I come up with something.
love you all

Topic: RE: Pictures of my journey
Beautiful..........just BEAUTIFUL................
Keep up the great work

Topic: RE: My sister told me I look old...
Sorry to hear you have to go through this. The last thing we want is our family to be anything but supportive & proud of our success throughout this journey. I think you're hearing their own insecurities & you know what????? That's NOT your responsibility to deal with. They need to deal with that themselves. I know I said the same thing to someone else that was have husband issues, but it's true. We are not responsible of the way others are feeling about our success. You are doing awesome... You look beautiful. Don't let anyone's words bring you down. Be proud of yourself & your accomplishments. I say GO FOR IT & pass them all by.....
........... Everone's success or failure is ultimately up to them. You are a wonderful person, with a wonderful, loving personality and if they don't want to take advantage of that, it's THEIR LOSS..... I'm your long lost sister & I still love you
Take Care & Remember we're always here for you

Topic: RE: Guess what???
OK, I'm late with this but WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO
Yippee for you..... I've decided to wait until I've lost 100 lbs from my surgery date to get my century club card.. Only a few more lbs to go...
I'm so happy for you. See what happens when you put that scale away for a few days....

Topic: RE: Adding a message board photo we can change them whenever we want.....
Thanks for posting this
Topic: RE: Where's Tammy???
I'm here.........
No word on her test results yet.... Thanks for the concern. Been wanting to post all morning, but something new comes up....
Thanks for the concern