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Topic: RE: I have to brag... can't help it
I have been so happy to shop in the stores that have all the cute styles again. I used to be into clothes and when I gained weight nothing looked good so I lost that fun hobby of shopping. Now I can do it again and it feels great. Have fun and congrats I totally know the joy it brings.
Topic: Day 26 Exercise TGIF
Good Morning Ladies ( & and Gents Lurking
Posting early today cuz I know it's probably the start of a busy weekend for alot
Got up early & walked 3 miles today. Didn't get a walk in last night forgot my girls had their first game for their soccer club that they belong to.'s everyone out there doing????? Haven't weighed yet, but I've been teetering these past couple weeks between 187-189.5 so I don't expect much different for a while.... That's ok.... I'm so happy & thankful for where I am.
Oh & good news. My sister, Rose, who lives in Maryland (the one that just got married) just got her date. She'll be joining me & my other sister on the losing bench on my One Year Surgiversary
..... 8/15 YIPPEE
Remember to thank someone that serves this weekend. Whether it be military or community.....THEY ARE ALL HERO'S
Sooooo.... a song to kick off our Memorial weekend...
GOD BLESS THE USA............
If tomorrow all the things were gone
. . I'd worked for all my life,
And I had to start again
. . with just my children and my wife,
I'd thank my lucky stars
. . to be livin' here today.
Cause the flag still stands for freedom
. . And they can't take that away.
And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I gladly stand up
. . next to you and defend her still today
Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA
From the lakes of Minnesota
... To the hills of Tennessee
... Across the plains of Texas
... From sea to shining sea
... From Detroit down to Houston
... And New York to LA
Well there's pride in every American heart
And its time we stand and say..
That I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I gladly stand up . . next to you and defend her still today
Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA
And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I gladly stand up . . next to you and defend her still today
Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA!
Have a wonderful & SAFE Memorial Day weekend.... I may be going up North to see my Daddy so I will post tomorrow, but may not be near a computer
to post again until Monday...
((((HUGS)))) &

Topic: RE: Day 25 Exercise....
I'm soooo proud of you. I think you're the STAR exerciser this month.... YOU GO GIRL.....
I'm singing right along with you.... here we go
We are FAMILY....... I've got all my sista's & ME........ WOOOO HOOOOOO
Topic: RE: Day 25 Exercise....
Well..... did 40 mins of walking video this morning. (what was I thinking). It was actually kind of taxing. I think 30 mins in the morning is enough. Going to do 30 mins this pm already have my work out clothes on.
This month is quickly coming to a close and I am pretty proud of my exercise record.
Could have been as succesful without all the encouragement from my August 2005 message board pals. :hugs:
I have to put in a little song today. Because I appreciate everyone who (especially Tammy)
who has kept this exercise post going.
Thank you! And get ready to shake your money maker! 

Artist: Sister Sledge Lyrics
Song: We Are Family Lyrics
We are family
I got all my sisters with me
We are family
Get up ev'rybody and sing
Ev'ryone can see we're together
As we walk on by
(FLY!) and we fly just like birds of a feather
I won't tell no lie
(ALL!) all of the people around us they say
Can they be that close
Just let me state for the record
We're giving love in a family dose
Living life is fun and we've just begun
To get our share of the world's delights
(HIGH!) high hopes we have for the future
And our goal's in sight
(WE!) no we don't get depressed
Here's what we call our golden rule
Have faith in you and the things you do
You won't go wrong
This is our family Jewel
As always Have Fun
If you can't have fun what is the use?

Topic: RE: I have to brag... can't help it
Hi Rita,
Congrats to you!
I am still buying clothes in women's sizes to fit me on the lower body, but I may try a 14/16 for my top. I hadn't thought about that yet, I'm smaller up top then on the botom. Who knows, can't hurt to try, right?
Well, it is exciting to see how we are all changing and I am really happy for you. I can't even imagine being small enough to wear a size 8, let alone a 14 for myself. That will be a day for me to cry tears of joy.
I love this journey!!
Topic: RE: "Glamor" Shot
Hi Dawn,
You look fabulous! I didn't recognize you at first. Had to see a couple shots of you from around 8 months out to know it was you! You've done so well. I am very excited for you to be at your goal already.
Continue to work hard at the journey, never go back!!!
Topic: RE: New Pics on my Profile
Hi Dawn,
We had a great time.... It was such a quick trip. Next year, we'll be flying that's for sure.
Don't you just love the changes?????? You look great too...............
Did you check out the CA conferences? Any close to you?

Topic: RE: New Pics on my Profile
Thanks so much.... It's soooo great to be going through this with all of you. The positive feedback is awesome for one's ego

Topic: Day 25 Exercise....
Happy Thursday everyone...
Not as early as yesterday, but I've had meetings this morning. My girls have dentist appointments this afternoon, so no exercise yet for me today. Hopefully, I'll sneak in a walk tonight.
How's everyone else doing??? I see we had a few more people jumping back on the exercise band wagon...WAY TO GO
weight today: 189.5 here we go again...hehehehehe
Have a wonderful Day

Topic: RE: "Glamor" Shot
What a beautiful picture... You look awesome.... love the tattoo in the shot as well....
Lucky me has the good fortune of having an excellent "high end" photographer for a sister.......
You should be so proud of yourself... You look simply marvelous...