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Topic: Day 27 & 28 Exercise
Hey Everyone....
Hope you're all enjoying this beautiful memorial weekend. I know I am. I'm at my brothers in Massena, where I was born & raised.... WAY UP on the Canadian border. I didn't get any exercise in yesterday but took a beautiful 5 mile walk along the St. Lawrence River this morning. Lucky I went early cuz it's getting pretty warm out. Looks like bbq's & swimming are on tap for the rest of today.. YIPPEE...
Have a great Day

Topic: RE: Disneyland!!
.... Good for you. I knew you'd have a blast....
Don't know about you, but I'm sure looking forward to experiencing all the things I couldn't before & even some that I (barely) could...all over again or for the first time...
Enjoy your weekend......
Bet your boys are so glad to have their Mom in this new fun way...
You go girl!!!

Topic: RE: Disneyland!!
Hi Dawn
Thank you so much!! And may I say you look WONDERFUL!!!!

Topic: RE: Disneyland!!
Hi Sheree,
I can so relate. I went there at Christmas time and my story would be pretty much the same and I just went to Six Flags Marine World with my 8th graders and I was able to fit on all the rides there. As an added benefit, having a smaller stomach made the Medusa actually fun. I didn't have a stomach to leave behind.
I hope the rest of your trip is as exciting and fun.

Topic: Disneyland!!
Hello everyone!! I so hope everyone is doing great this weekend!!I have not been able to get to the computer lately!!
Anywho, Just wanted to share a super wow moment!! I went to disneyland with my 2 boys. And let me tell ya's, I had a ball!!!

We went on ALL the rides and gess what? I FIT!!!!!!
I had the best time of my life there! Never once getting tired orsweating!! Kept up with the boys!!! I would have never made it through when I was so heavy! No back problems at all anymore!! Let me tell ya, walking everyday sure helps with the weight, your heart, and stamana!! I just love this!! WLS is the best thing I have done for me!!My boys are lovin it as well!! Tomorrow its the beach!! Can't wait!! I'm alive!!!!!

Just wanted to share with everyone!! C-yas!!

Topic: RE: Day 26 Exercise TGIF
Hi Tammy,
I played tennis for an hour today. Yeah that your sister is joining the club. I'm sure you and your sister are a great inspiration to her, just like you are to us. As Navy Vet, thank you for the song.
5'7" 258/135/135

Topic: RE: Day 26 Exercise TGIF
Good Song!!!
Excerise 40 mins this am. Trying for 30 mins this evening. Then watching the Basketball Game Go Mavs!
Have fun this week-end I will be gone gone gone but... working out.
Topic: RE: "Glamor" Shot
You look beautiful, Dawn! Congratulations on making your goal as well! I still have quite a ways to go =( but I hope to get htere someday!