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Topic: RE: I have returned...
Thanks Dawn! I love your analogy. We will see how I feel at 150. I may decide to go to Portland afterall!

Topic: RE: I have returned...
Thanks Tammy!
Yeah the more I think about my goal weight the more I think 150 would be better. But when I get to 150 I might change my mind.
I, too, would be happy to stay where I am at if that is what my body wants. I look and feel better than I have in years!
I did get walking in yesterday. My daughter and I walked 2 miles after dinner last night. It was nice to get a chat in with her.
I weighed in at 175 this morning. I can't believe how I am losing again. After going 2 months with no loss really, this feels fantastic!
I think it's because I have started back on my walking. And I haven't been eating alot. Just not hungry like I was a week ago. Seemed like that 8-9th month I was starving!! Maybe that is normal?? Who knows... I will take the losses though!
Take care sweetie,

Topic: Day 29 & 30 Exercise
Hi Everyone....
Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Ours was AWESOME... love spending time with my family. Tired today, though, that's for sure. We're finally getting some nice weather. Muggy, but I'm not complaining. No exercise or scale for me today... Those darn tent catipillars are EVERYWHERE outside & they just drop from the trees. They just gross me out..... Not that they'll hurt me or anything, but EEEEWWWWWW....
How's everyone else doing today???? How's the exercise going?

Topic: RE: Updated My Pics...
You look awesome.... Hey, I didn't see you at the Pittsburg Convention.... too bad. Would have been awesome to meet you.
Keep up the great work....

Congrats, Tamela! You look Great. Job well done. As for boobs been gone, that sounds like a common problem among us, WLS girls.... but it's defenetly a minor "thing" to give up to feel and look "normal".
"Husbands'" issues on the other hand I don't see as minor, but hopefully that will be somehow resolved too....Mine didn't loose his affection toward me, but instead he gained "suspicion" of my all of a sudden propencity to leave him for somebody "rich and young"...
Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you on you achievements.
hugs, Rita
Topic: Updated My Pics...
On my profile!!!!! I finally figured out how to do it!!! Check them out and let me know what you think!

Topic: RE: I have to brag... can't help it
Congradulations! Isn't that the BeSt feeling ever? I have two dresses that I saved for hmmmmm 15 yrs? Size 6 that were my favorites. The other day I finally pulled them out of the closet and tried them on... Guess what? They were too big in the hips LOL. (not to mention a bit outdated lol) but neverless... it was an awwwww moment!
Keep up the good work!
Topic: RE: "Glamor" Shot
Beautiful! Stunning! Oh... now I have to go have a glamour shot done... wait.. AND a tattoo! lol.
I loved looking at your picts and seeing you transform! WHAT a diffrence!
Topic: RE: I have returned...
Hi Lori,
Welcome back CONGRATS on the Century Club.
. I hope vacation was fun. I've been having the issues with eating and not feeling good afterwards - lots of cramping. Don't have any idea what's causing it either. Oh well. You obviously can set any goal you'd like and if you were happy at 150 before go for it. But.... to pass along an analogy for you that our program director gave us. Let's say you decided to go visit Portland, Oregon, a place you've never been, to see the parks and roses. Along the way you stop in Olympia. Very pretty, by the water, green. You decide it's a pretty nice place so you stop and stay in Olympia. Not a bad decision, BUT, you don't know what you may have missed by continuing to Portland. If you had decided to continue to Portland, saw what it had to offer, then you could decide to either stay there, or go back to Olympia.