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DAMMIT, I am going to make myself smile NO MATTER WHAT!!!
You know, Lori, I wouldn't have it any other way either. I am so proud of my nine year old. He has excelled in athletes and in school. I guess I should let him play All Stars - I am feeling a little guilty now. He has played all stars every summer since he was FOUR years old. I just want to be a little selfish right now and get some "me" time so I can work on my jogging and renovating my house.
Thanks, Lori, you make me laugh..

Topic: Bursting
Well, I am bursting at the seams, so to speak!!! I met a goal today and I want to shout from the roof tops but came here since I knew each and every one of you would be happy for me plus understand the importance. I have lost 100 pounds and 50.5 inches as of today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!These last five pounds have taken over a month but finally! I just cannot believe it. The other day I picked up a 50 pound bag of dog food and could not believe that less than a year ago I was carrying twice that! No wonder I was so tired, crabby and had no ambition.
You know, I, like many of you I am sure, have considered myself weak but looking back at what we have endured and accomplished we are some pretty tough cookies!!
Take care,
Topic: RE: Wow Moment
What an accomplishment Diana! Running the whole 5K is so awesome! I haven't been brave enough to try running yet. But it does cross my mind once in a while. Maybe when I get down to 170 I will try it!
who knows!
15lbs from goal?? Wow, what a feeling! How many times in our lives have we wished we only had 15lbs to lose... seems weird to even say it!
And much luck with the new relationship! Way cool!
I hope he is everything you hoped for and you have a long and happy life together! You sooo deserve it!

Oh Ms. Sherry! I hear you on SO many levels! I too have a used husband for sale.. Sometimes.....
right in the kisser! I tell ya!
And I have athletes as well. My son just finished track and now wants to play spring football. My daughter just finished up fastpitch and starts volleyball this weekend with a tournament. After that she will be doing summer league basketball! No breaks for me! I feel like I can never make time for myself because I always have to be somewhere for them. It's frustrating but I tell ya what... I wouldn't have it any other way! Now, with a 1 year old, that would be an ENTIRELY different story!
You can come here to gripe ANYTIME sister! Thats what we are here for! And of course to sing our praises of you!

Okay, my surgical sisters. I have a confession. I have done terrible during the month of May. I have been eating wrong and I have not been exercising. It has been one stressful month and I have allowed the stress to take over my life. Anyone want a perfectly used husband?
Just kidding - well not really.
Baseball season is over. Hallelujah! My son was chosen to play in All Stars, but I told him that I would send him to a couple of collegiate baseball camps if he would take this year off. He is at basketball camp today. I love my little athletes, but they keep me hopping. I've always loved the sports before. I just have not had a one year old before this year. That makes everything a little busier - and I do mean EVERYTHING!!
I am recommitting myself to exercise and to distressing my life in June!!! I walked one mile yesterday and two miles today. Thanks for listening to me gripe.
May 1: 187
May 2: 188
May 3: 188
May 4: 186
May 5: 185.5
May 6: 183
May 7: 183
May 8: 183
May 14: 188
May 15: 182.5
May 16: 186 Not Again!!
May 17: 181.5
May 18: 181.5
May 24: 184 (my monthly friend is here today)
May 30: 183 (I always lose after my TO M - what is wrong?)
May 31: 181.5

Topic: RE: Wow Moment
Congratulations, again, on completing the 5K. I've been trying to add a little running in when walking, but haven't gotten into any kind of routine as of yet. What an accomplishment, though...WOW
Good luck on finding out what the cause of the stomach aches are. I've heard alot of people stalling for a while, then their weight loss picks back up. This happened to my sister at about 7-8 months post op. She was at a stand still for about 2-3 months & is now losing again. Remember, everybody is different. You're doing awesome.
Congratulations on finding Mr. deserve to be happy... Good for you.... Can't wait to hear how your relationship progresses.
Good Luck.....15 lbs to goal.....You go girl!!!!

Topic: RE: No longer obese!
Yeah Lori!!! No longer Obese!!!! What a great feeling.....
Topic: RE: BIG Appetite!
Hey Surgery Sister,
I am hungry all the time also. I asked the doctor how much should I be eating and she just said to eat healthy stuff, exercise like crazy and drink all the water 64 oz and get in 60 grams of protien first. She told me if I do that dont worry about being hungry and don't count calories or anything like that. That is why I was at the gym at 5 am. I am going to really start to workout hard cause I know I will eat if I can. I notice on weekends I forget to eat though for me it is tough during the week at work.
Topic: Wow Moment
Well everyone I have to start a new goal as on Memorial Day I ran without stopping my 5K. I did it in 38 min with a pace of 12:14 per mile. I have been training for this and it was fun after it was over. 3 months ago I could not run down the street.
I have been at the same weight for 6 weeks and watching in envy some of my friends here losing away. I just stuck to my training and today jumped on the scale and am down to 160 so I lost 5 lbs finally. I have lost a total of 103 lbs. I am so happy and finally can join the Century Club. I went to the doctors for my 9 month check up and they think I have an ulcer and am lactose intolerant. I get stomach aches like crazy. I just thought it was part of the surgery and come to find out it is not.
They only want me to lose 15 more lbs total because she says 5 to 10 lbs are skin and when I get PS that will be gone and they dont want me under weight.
I am just so happy with the results of this surgery. I have met the most wonderful man after being alone and hating myself for 12 years. We have only been together 4 months but I know he is the one. He says that about me too. So in the next year or so there could be a wedding. I had already decided I would never marry, but that was before WLS. I can't believe how much this changes your life.
Fifteen lbs away from goal...