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Ok Girls we are entering into Month 10
WOW.... Look how far we've come... We've had so many changes in our name a few that some of us have mentioned...
1. Drastic Changes in clothes sizes
2. WAY more energy....some have even ran 5K's others, including myself, walk
more now than ever in their lives (adding a little running here & there)
3. Rides at amusement parks....HELLO.....BIG FUN now that we can fit
4. Some have started dating, others trying to work through spousal insecurities
Others have had improved relationships.... All big changes
5. Better Health....some have rid themselves from previous ailments....high blood
pressure, diabetes, cpap machines etc etc.... Others just feel soooo much better
Need I go on??? We've seen, new attitudes, new outfits, new hairstyles, new tattoos & belly button rings. All the things we've always wanted to do are just popping up left and right because we feel so much better about ourselves and Darn it All...WE DESERVE IT..... None of this has happened without the daily struggles that go hand in hand with wls. Getting enough protein, taking our vitamins & calcium, liquids, liquids, liquids..... Fighting off the bad habits demon inside each of us. And so on..........
I truly believe I wouldn't have the success that I've had if it weren't for exercising. This, I believe is such a vital part of this journey. Not only to help with skin (as little as it may seem) but for overall health. My heart is probably happier now than it has been in years..... Sooooooooooo, here's my proposal for JUNE... I know it's the 2nd of the month, but lets start it on Monday, June 5 as we will still have 4 full weeks of the month. Let's shoot for a minimum of 3-4 days a week of exercise (30 minutes or more). For every week that you do this your name will be placed in a drawing. At the end of the month, I will draw a name. Whoever's name I draw will receive a prize. Nothing huge, just a little something I will pick up. Obviously, I will need your address. I will email the person at the end of the month. I will also post a weekly post indicating who's names are put in for that week. The week will run monday through sunday. So this will go from the 5th through July 2nd. I will continue to post the daily exercise post, but will also do a June Weekly Challenge post so those of you participating can reply to add your name. This way I won't have to keep track daily.
Who's IN???????
Sounds fun right???? Personally, I'm adding some strength training as well starting on Monday..... build those muscles...
Let me know what you think?????? It's never to late to start exercising. The more the merrier.
Keep up the great work everyone... Let's re-dedicate ourselves... Remember, always make time for a healthier YOU.....

Topic: June 2nd Exercise
Good Afternoon Girlfriends...
WOW it's Friday again already.... Where did this week go???? Not complaining though, that's for sure. Gotta love the weekends.
What's going on this weekend for everyone? We are having our Party In the Park tomorrow. This is like a final fund raising event for Relay for Life which is June 10'th... keep your fingers crossed for good weather... right now it's supposed to rain tomorrow & next Saturday
.... That's ok, at least its not looking like it will be too hot. Last year we dealt with 103 degree weather & alot of sickness. Anyway, nothing really on tap for Sunday... maybe some house work...
So I'm posting a June challenge ..........let's see how many will join us...
Today I got up & walked outside (catipilars & all....seem to be slowing down some though THANK GOD ewwww)... Anyway, I walked about 3 miles. Todays weight 189.5 (same ole same ole).....
How's everyone else?????

Topic: RE: Gallbladder Surgery
Poor thing. I started to get some gallbladder twinges back in December, but since then I've been conciously adding a little butter or olive oil to my diet daily so my gallbladder will continue working properly. Knock on wood........ it's been ok. Sorry to hear about the kidney stones. It'll be interesting to hear why they think you are getting so many.
Keep us posted & keep your chin up. We'll help you through this.
Topic: RE: Gallbladder Surgery
Gosh I know exactly what you are going through with the gallbladder thing. I had mine out when my son was 11 days old!
I suffered through attacks from the time I was pregnant with my daughter 2 years before that. I told them it was my gallbladder but they didn't believe me until they did the ultrasound. I don't know what is up with the kidney stones. I have thankfully never had one. Have you asked your surgeon if this is normal?
That would REALLY suck!
I hope they can get things resolved for you sweetie. Take care of yourself!

Topic: Gallbladder Surgery
I had a gallbladder attack Wednesday night. I have a gallbladder full of stones that my WLS doctor did not take out during WLS. We were now waiting on symptoms to appear to take it out. Since I had an attack, I was scheduled to have my gallbladder removed today. However, when they did my pre op testing yesterday, they found out I have yet ANOTHER kidney stone!!!!!
I have had a kidney stone every 2-3 months for the past year and sometimes two at a time. It is horrible pain - even worse than a gallbladder attack. Anyway, my gallbladder surgery was cancelled and I have yet another appointment with a urologist today.
I have not heard of anyone having so many kidney stones.
This is crazy.

Topic: RE: BIG Appetite!
Hi Clarissa,
I way understand the munchies. I started in Feb. when I was sick for a month and it really hasn't stopped, though I got sick again yesterday and this time I'm not eating my way through it, so I hope maybe I'm going to be able to slow down. As far as fat free dressing - I HATE it, but, Just2Good is actually not bad.

Topic: RE: No longer obese!
Yeah Lori!!!
Isn't it great!! I had to sign up with the Nutrisystem site so that I could see my friend's page and it was so much fun to put "0" under amount of weight I wanted to lose. Something I haven't been able to say since I was, oh 18 or so!

Topic: RE: A new month is beginning....
My goal for the month is to just make it through the end of the school year, taking students to the Grand Canyon for 5 days (and each day is a 12 hour day of movement - I would NEVER have survived it last year) and then camping a week later.
After that - I have got to get to the gym and see how much toning I can do before the school year starts again!

Topic: RE: Wow Moment
Wow indeed!!
Great job Diana on all fronts. I hate running so I can't say I'll ever try and do a 5K again, but I can understand how great you must have felt/feel. The 100lbs is super as well and with just 15 to go, you're almost at the finish/start line. Finishing the weightloss, starting the rest of your life in maintenance. Can't wait for the wedding notification.

Topic: RE: Bursting
Yeah Lynne!!!
Way to go! I know how frustrating it can be when we're struggling with just a couple of pounds. It took me almost 3 months to lose the last 5 or so to goal, then this last month I lost 7 lbs (though of course 3 were just yesterday due to the flu
Enjoy the moment and keep on trucking and those last 20 to goal will be gone before you know it!