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Topic: RE: Wow Moment!!
Congratualtions, you are doing a wonderful job and I am very proud of you> BTW - I love the tattoo!!

Topic: RE: A note for the women... Birth Control Warning!
Sorry for your loss Bridget. I too was told only the patch or an IUD. I have a liver condition that prevents me from taking any kind of hormones, so I had the copper IUD put in back in April. It's great aside from HEAVY HEAVY periods, but I'm told this gets better with time. But it's worked out great for me so far.
Topic: RE: Frustrated
Hi Julie,
I posted last week about having a big appetite. I got so worried that I went and saw my nutritionist about it. Now, I am keeping a food journal and I send it to her every two weeks. This has been really good in the past, but it take commitment. My problem was and still is night time snacking and I still do it, I just make better choices at night now. This system works well for me because not only do I have to write it down, but I have to send it to my nutritionsit, so being held accoutable to someone else really works for me... atleast for now. I haven't lost much weight since March, but since I am eating better, the pounds are coming off again! Good luck with your journey, and NO, it's not over

Topic: RE: Frustrated
Hi Julie,
Welcome to the board and it's a shame you haven't been here - at least not posting. Yep... all the regulars feel the same way. I started with hunger and snacking back in Feb. when I got sick and it hasn't stopped really. It took me about 2 1/2 months to lose the last 5 to hit goal and I know some of the other ladies have been struggling as well. If you read some of the other posts you'll see an exercise set and a monthly goal set. They're both there because others took a proactive line to the struggle. Join us. As Tammy noted, our Exercise Accountability Cheerleader, a true stall is when you see no weight or inch loss in 4 weeks. You don't sound stalled, you sound off track. Go back to basics for 10 days. Be real religious on the water, no snacking, protien, vitamins, etc. Join us on the new exercise challenge. You'll get there. Remember, we've been given, what I consider the world's best weightloss tool, it's just up to us to use it correctly.
Hope to see more of ya here online!

Topic: Frustrated
Well this is a first for me...posting on here. I am so frustrated though. I have not lost any weight since mid April. In fact, I keep losing and gaining the same 5 lbs. I was 2 lbs. from a loss of 100 lbs. and now I am 5 pounds away. Is the journey over for me? My appetite has returned and I feel that I am starting to easily gain weight again. Anyone else feeling this way?
Hi Tammy,
You know I'm in. My challege to myself in May was to exercise 2x per day. This will be the new one.
Topic: RE: A note for the women... Birth Control Warning!
Hi Dawn,
Thanks for the support... It hasn't been an easy couple of weeks... but I am doing pretty well...though I am glad I made it through it, and I now know to be MUCH more careful... I just can't believe something like that could happen, and even after specifically asking my OB about it, she still didn't think of reccomending me the patch. It astounds me that some Dr's can still be so oblivious to WLS patients needs...
thanks again for the support.
Topic: RE: A note for the women... Birth Control Warning!
Wow Bridget!
Sorry for all the emotional upheaval, but you seem to be in an okay place, so that's good. I don't have to worry too much about that particular birth control issue as I'm too old to start them.
To add to your info, my periods are getting closer and closer together (the last one was just 21 days after the previous) and the first 2 days are REALLY heavy. My PCP told me on Wed. that it's probably related to all the estrogen that's been released from the fat cells going away. Isn't it amazing how losing weight can be almost harder on the body than carrying it? At least our body will re-regulate itself eventually.
Oh.... also found out on Wed. that if your bp is now a lot lower because of the weight loss (mine is - 90s/50s), especially when combined with the beta-blocker I'm now taking) that if we get dehydrated it will affect us more since as you become dehyrdrated, less fluid in the blood lines, hence drop in bp, which is already low. So, be extra careful as we head into hot weather.

You're right... there's is NO way I could have spent 5 12-hour days of non-stop moving/hiking/walking/etc a year ago.
$10 sounds great to me and I'd love the form when you find time.