Recent Posts
I have to apologize because it seemed like I just left mid May and never posted again
but I had some problems..and worked them out..but like I've told so many others-that when you find something you like- you also need to be disciplined- and many have put their "workouts" before their fun stuff.. So for me- I didn't allow myself to come back and post - until I straightened myself and my exercise out. I would go to the tanning salon and then go to the gym that was fine- then sometimes just hit the gym- and although I cant recall how I got off track- I did - and discipline is the hardest thing to learn.
I discovered that without exercise- my body felt weird- I even pulled a muscle in my neck- NOT exercising- and then after some steam and sauna treatments, I discovered , the more I exercised the less pain I felt- which I thought was weird- but it worked.It took every bit of 3 weeks (plus advil) to get rid of it..Anyway, Im happy to say Im back to Tanning again and the gym..I picked a salon closer to my house and they are open till midnite, so thats really cool.
Anyway- I apologize to everyone who was kinda 'blogging in" on my monthly/weekly posts and sticking to their goals. It just goes to show you- that regardless how motivated any of us are, life has a way of interfering, and its our level of committment + motivation, that gets us through. So having goals and being flexible is important as we move forward. There is a difference between being "tough" on ourselves and being a "tyrant". Dont set your goals so high that you can't achieve them. Everything can be
achieved, you just have to be dedicated and expect bumps along the way!
Ok- here is my update- I am now 220lbs, wearing size 16/ some 18s and got into a size 14
dress over the weekend!
I Keep thinking there is something WRONG with the sized clothes that stores are selling- because I keep getting into ALL of it!
Its crazy I know! Its like you get this adrenalin rush and like OMG! I can't believe how great this outfit looks on me! I just love Dress Barn and now am into their
size 16s pants and tops are 14/16. I can't believe it- because back in April I posted that I was stuck in 20sville!
Oh and I am going to be adding pictures to my online journal- so if you want to see some of the progress I've made- here is my link:

Hey TAMMY!!! Psst Over here!!
Believe it or not- I have been working out and Ive been having fun and not much time for much else! LOL
I would love to actively participate in this months challenge- andjust to be clear- one week is from monday to sunday? If i work out mon- we- sat - sun- thats all in one week?
(leave it to me to ask the complicated questions)
ALL is good with me- Im at 220 and wearing size 16s/18 and got into a size 14 dress over the weekend! I hope this shopping craving passes soon. As it is I feel like I have more clothes than closet space. LOL

Topic: RE: A note for the women... Birth Control Warning!
Hi Bridget- I just had a conversation about hormones with my PA this past week- and I thought it was also estrogen that we were getting rid of- as Im supposed to be peri-menopausal- and nothing has slowed down- in fact- before I was getting it every 28/30 days- now Im getting it ever 21/25 days..and I thought it was due to the reduction in estrogen- when in fact she told me- women gain testosterone and men gain estrogen when we gain weight- so in women- its testosterone thats leveling off! LOL
And I know you didnt ask this- but God is it making me hornier than ever! LOL
And on a more serious note- thank you for advising about the pills- I never really took pills and being single- didnt really need anything- but I was thinking about getting the patch (seasonale ) or the ring. Im sorry you had so much to deal with and thank you for sharing it with us!

Topic: RE: June Challenge Day 1
Hi Tam and girls! Hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was so busy! Sat. had to work, but took the kids to the pool and got in some excersise! I picked up my son from daycare and went back to the pool!! for 3 hours swimming and playing with my son. Later on that evening instead of driving the car, we walked (son on scooter!) to return a game video!(1mile) round trip! Sunday took my son to the young champions karate turnament in Long beach. Was there from 7 till 1:30!! Yep a long day. He had a blast and also got a trophy!! Today is my day off. I took my son to school and am doing laundry/house work till I have to pick him up @2:00. Then come home and let him play with his friends.(after homework)!! LOL If it gets hot this afternoon then its off to the pool to work out!! If not then I will do my walking! Hope everyone has a great day! Lets move it girls!!! Were almost there!!!

Topic: RE: Frustrated
Hi Julie,
I was doing the same thing and asked my doctor and it is very normal. I stayed the same for 8 weeks. I was training for a 5k and working out a lot. I finally after the 8 weekss just dropped between 3-5 pounds depending on the day. You are not at the end. Watch what you eat and exercise and you will be able to lose just at a slower pace then before. These are the plateaus that you have heard about and this is the point we are at. I just finally lost that 100 lbs and thought it would never happen but it did. Keep your chin up.

Topic: RE: June Challenge Day 1
I'm so excited about the possibilities that June holds!!!
I jogged almost a mile up and down hills without stopping yesterday along with walking another mile. I will walk a mile this afternoon during my break and jog/walk two mile tonight.
June 1: 182.5
June 2: 182.5
June 3: 181
June 4: 179
June 5: 180

Its like walking on egg shells. If I get too happy about my weight loss, my hubby starts with "You're going to leave me." Or, they pointedly ignore the loss, which I find strange.
Topic: RE: June Challenge Day 1
I have to exercise in the evenings due to transportation/family issues but I didn't want to miss the post. I will do Billy Blanks Boot Camp dvd tonite or walking.
Topic: June Challenge Day 1
Good Morning Challengers................
How we doing today???? I got up bright & early & did Slim in 6...Start it Up for 30 minutes. It's funny cuz I walk most days & my legs feel like rubber bands right now. Must be all the squats
... Anyway, if I have time, I'll walk later. Trying to get all my work done early today. Got a busy week this week.
The weekend was good... didn't walk at all, but danced with the girls for a while on Saturday. They did really good on their Dance-A-Thon (even though it poured all day)... They raised over $200 for their Relay for Life team. The weather is looking much better so far for this weekend. 69 & partly sunny... YIPPEE
How's everyone else doing today.... Let's get it going.....
We can do this........

Topic: RE: Frustrated
Hi Julie...
Welcome. It's always wonderful to have new posts. You're not alone. Seems, at this point, we are all starting to struggle with old habits. Stay strong, post post post.... It sure helps me to be accountable for everything.
It's not over.... It's the fact that we're back in the "Real World" now & we really need to watch things....
Keep us posted... We'll make it together.