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Topic: RE: Has Anyone Swallowed Gum????
Luckily nothing happened to me either. & yup I still chew it too...
Thanks for your input
Topic: June Challenge Day 4 & 5
TGIF to all my Lovelies..........
Sounds like this has been a CRAZY
week for everyone. Thankfully, it's behind us & we can move on. Daily challenges (family, running, work etc etc) seems to become alot more challenging now that we can't EAT our feelings away don't they???? That's why I think exercise is so important. For me, it really does relieve stress. These past couple days I've been busy busy busy
and haven't exercised & I feel it in my nerves. Very touchy. Kinda would like to jump out of my skin & go postal on everyone around me
Seriously, though, why is it everyone around us doesn't realize that we get tired sometimes too???? Life of a woman.....WHAT A CHALLENGE..... Let's all remember to make the time for ourselves & like Sherry told Lori.... Remember to BREATHE.....
I'll be setting up our campsite for Relay tonight after working so I'm guessing that will be my exercise for today....
My scale is not being real friendly these days.... 192.5 this morning...WHAT THE?????
Part of the process I guess.
Here's a song for you all......
I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way
I watch the sunlight dance across your face
And I've never been this swept away
All my thoughts seem to settle on the breeze
When I'm lying wrapped in your arms
The whole world just fades away
The only thing I hear is the beating of your heart
Cause I can feel you breathe
It's washing over me
Suddenly I'm melting into you
There's nothing left to prove
Baby all we need is just to be
Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn't that the way that love's supposed to be?
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe...
In a way I know my heart is waking up
As all the walls come tumbling down Closer than I've ever felt before
And I know and you know there's no need for words right now
Cause I can feel you breathe
It's washing over me
Suddenly I'm melting into you
There's nothing left to prove
Baby all we need is just to be
Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn't that the way that love's supposed to be?
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe...
Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn't that the way that love's supposed to be?
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe...
I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way
Have a great Friday All

Topic: RE: Anyone here on our board take antidepressants?
Awww.. Im sorry but I was a Zoloft girl.. But I have noticed increasing amounts of testsertone and my PA says its because as we gained weight- we gained testosterone- men gain estrogen- isn't that weird? I thought I had too much estrogen and that was throwing my TOM cycle off - so maybe its this excess testosterone that is wreaking havoc with yu and intensifying everything..I wish there was another way I could help ya..
I stopped doing the zoloft at surgery- and tried it like in December- but I dont think Ive done it since- I think my outlook has picked up- but whatever you do wind up taking- ask if it will cause you to gain any extra weight- the endocrinlogist told me - Zoloft would hold up some of my weight loss. Just thught Id mention that.
Hugs .Im
Gnite! Feel better

Topic: RE: Suport for a NY PreOP
Hi Lori- how are you doing? it almost took me forever to find this msg board again..they change one simple thing and it threw me off- LOL..
You look great by the way.. and I thought this girl- Tammy is her name- or Sweet T, could use the support..I already corresponded with her several times today- and it made her feel better- Im trying to interest her in attending my support meeting this weekend..I HOPE its this weekend.Its every 2 weeks- LOL - I think I maybe off- LOL- I think its next weekend..last weekend it was speed dating, and I had support that day..
It doesnt take much to make me lose it! 
Thanks again and have a good day tomorrow

Topic: RE: BIG Appetite!
OMG Clarissa, I've been battling with this problem since two months out. I am constantly looking at the clock to see when my next meal will be or if enough time has passed for me to eat my next meal. All day, what am I going to cook for lunch, what am I going to cook for dinner. I go to sleep thinking about what I'm going to cook the next day. I already know what I'm going to cook for breakfast. I have to cook for five people, it's all about keeping it interesting; it's sooooo stressful. I've been thinking about taking something to curb my appetite for months now. I don't because I don't know what it will do to me. You are doing so well, I am so proud of you
Don't give up, keep up the good work.

Topic: RE: No longer obese!
Yea Lori,
I am so proud of you, I can't wait until I'm right there with you. I'm still considered severe overweight by fitday standards. I wont be normal until I weigh somewhere between 140-145, I don't know if I want to weigh that. But Lori, YOU ROCK GIRL
I am so happy for you. Keep up the good work.

Topic: RE: Bursting
You go girl
, CONGRATULATIONS, Boy will I be glad when I meet that goal. I've struggled with the same 4 to 5 pounds for months. I have 26 pounds to go to be there. Yes, I do understand and Yes, I am so happy for you. Now go to that roof top.LOL.

Topic: RE: Anyone here on our board take antidepressants?
Hey Girl...
Sorry to hear that you've been down in the dumps lately. I hear ya when it comes to busting our butts & being looked at like we have 10 heads when we fly off the handle & ask for help.... Families can just tear a woman up... Anyway, I took lexapro for about 6 or 7 months prior to surgery. It wasn't too bad, but it made me kind of wacko. Like I would want someone to hand me a pen & I couldn't remember the word "pen"... I'd be like "hand me that thing over know the thing you write with"
So that didn't last long. It was also really reduced the sex drive...pretty much was GONE...
Just a little note. That Dr. that spoke at the convention spoke alot about metabolism boosters & vitamins etc. He said that 5-HTP was just as good as paxil or any other anxiety medicine. You may want to give that a try. I believe he said work up to 900 mg a day, but not quite sure on that. You may want to talk to your Dr. & see.
I say we plan a girls weekend away...hahahahahaha Now there's a stress reliever right there..
Keep posting, we're always here for you....

Topic: RE: June Challenge...Day 2
Hi Joyce...
Thanks for the congrats....
This is our village's 4th year of hosting the Relay for Life & I've been on the planning board every year. What a wonderful event. It will be wonderful to be able to walk with ease this year that's for sure. Check out the pic on my profile of my sister in I in the 3x shirt that we wore last year. We both fit in one & it was tight on me. Life is good....
I just love hearing about other people supporting the Relay for Life... what a wonderful event.

Topic: RE: June Challenge...Day 2
Hi Tammy,
I am doing the "Relay for Life" here in Ontario Canada Jun 23/06. I am so excited about it because I am able to walk with ease now and actually enjoy walking.
Last year my friend did the relay and I just couldn't but I said "next year for sure"......
Take care
And congrats for your daughter