Did you know we could do this?
We can CHAT right from this Aug board! I never knew that before! I think we should schedule a time for us all to meet in a chat! It would just be people from this Aug 2005 surgery board! How cool is that???
Anybody interested? I know we are scattered all over the country but we could pick a time that would be convenient for us all. I am open for anything.... I am usually on from 8-4 PST.
This is so cool!
I've heard of others doing chats. Guess it never crossed my mind about us doing one. Great idea
Count me in. I'm usually free all week except some Tuesday & Wednesday evenings (Relay for Life Planning Board meetings & Support group meetings)....
Once we know who's all interested, let's definately pick a day & time...
How exciting
Hey Lori,
I'm in, just tell me how to do it. It's been so long since I've posted. I just wanted to tell you that I weighed in at 215 this morning. I'm excited but my luck hasn't been good with staying out of a plateau. I know that's because I'm not doing what I'm suppose to do but I know you guys will help me through this. I'm going to make a big effort to make the right choices, get in my vitamins, and drink my water. This I will do one day at a time, because it's so hard for me right now. Everyone pray for me, because sometimes I feel like I've really failed sometimes. I feel like I really waisted my tool, that I didn't let it work like it was suppose to.
But yes, I would like to do the chat thing.
TOYA! I wondered where you went! You NEED to get your butt back on the board! I believe that you can do this. I know you can! It really does help coming here everyday and reading about everyone's successes and failures. We all need to support each other and I think we do a darn fine job of it here!
Lori- how do we go about this? just sign into chat when we are here?
I've seen it in past- done on the singles board..but I lost interest with them. Everyone here is much more responsive and caring..plus its
Im usually on EST later in the day (except when its boring at work like now)
After 5pm EST or weekends works for me!!
Count me IN!!