What's your percentage of body fat?
I'm sorry, but I'm not sure how to figure the body fat. Is it the same as the BMI? If not, please let me know this. I would be very interested in how to calculate this.
My starting BMI was 55.4, I've lost 74.5 lbs and it is now 41.2 which is very exciting to me. I would like to it at 29 which would be a weight of 135. Dr's goal for me is 130.
The scales used in our program are professional Tanita body fat analysis scales that determine % body fat (we get a print out each time we weigh in before a support meeting). I know you can buy a Tanita scale for home for around $80-100, but I have no idea how accurate they are. Many gyms have the scales too, so if your program doesn't use one, look for an appointment with a personal trainer that has access to a scale. There are calculations that can be done using skinfold thickness and stuff, but unless the measurer does them ALL THE TIME, they tend not to be too accurate.
The target body fat % used in my program for me is 20-27% (I am female and 44 years old)...the last time I got weighed it predicted a "goal weight" (the weight at which I would be 27% fat assuming my muscle stayed the same) as 154#...my goal is 145 pds. (well, really 150, but having heard that it is easier to maintain 5-10 pounds above where you stop losing weight, I was thinking I would try to get to 145. HOWEVER, that being said, if I get to a healthy % body fat and weigh more than my "goal" (which is pretty arbitrary) I will be very happy.
I started at 236, now weigh 173 and had surgery 8/30. Just to make things extra interesting...I am a dietitian in my "real life" , which has made this whole process even more challenging. (I don't imagine there are too many dietitians who have had weight loss surgery out there!). Maybe when I have successfully reached my goals I will write a book!! The best way to decrease your % body fat is exercise, which builds muscle which helps you burn more fat. That has been the biggest change I have had to make, and while I am far from perfect I am doing OK...take yoga 2-3 times a week and try to hit the gym for some cardio and strength 2-3 times per week.
You know, maybe I will buy one of those body fat scales and compare it to the measurements I get in my program and let you know how close they are...
Karen Moore
I too started at over 55% and last week she took the new percent and said it is 44.7%. Yeah!
I don't know what it all means, but I know it is supposed to be good.
She sad you can really tell when a patient has been exercising versus someone who hasn't, and by exercising, she meant strength training and aerobics.
Keep up the great work!
321/238/176-Goal per Doc
HI! I now weigh 238.. I started at 325 with a BMI of @55%
I am now 42%..But I do workout and lift weights and I can see that my
weight loss may have slowed down a bit- but my jeans are big in the waist.
As of today I am -88lbs and 238 with a 42% BMI. A year ago this time I weighed 325 and was just beginning my testing. I feel very liberated!!