Your Post is too funny. I live in Southern California and I came to work this morning with Mittens, a thick sweatshirt over my long sleeve sweater and I wear a beanie hat. My nose is always running because it is so cold and I would wear the mittens at work except I cant type well in them. I am the only one who looks like they are going to the snow. When I get home I put on my UGG boots. My neighbors think I am strange. Everyone eles is wearing shorts....
Yeah! Right after surgery I was really bad about freezing all the time. Now it's just my hands. I had an old lady tell me a few weeks ago, that if your hands are cold all the time, then your finger nails will fall off! It's weird being cold, but I like it. I hate being hot and sweaty all the time. Makes me feel more normal... LOL
Last year, I had the thermostat in my classroom programmed to a lower temperature so that I'd be comfortable. I had a stack of sweaters for anyone who was cold. Well, I'm regretting it now since I'm freezing all the time. I too have to sleep with socks, long sleeved, long pant pajamas and 2 blankets. AHH! And, to top it off, I live in South Texas, about 10 minutes from Mexico. I would freeze to death up north. But, I agree with the other poster, I'd rather freeze my fannie, than gain the weight back.
Jackie B