finally back
hello again, my pc has been down a cpl months so im finally back and reading post to catch up with everyone. hope everyone survived turkey day. my family couldnt believe at how little it took to fill me up, about 6 spoons full, but i did get to taste most everything, and it all stayed down, i didnt eat turkey as i still have a prob keeping meat down. in fact mostly i eat soups normally, solid food doesnt sit right, i reached my 3 mos mark on thanksgiving and am down 81 lbs, from 291 to 210. woohoo, its cool to try on clothes that have been in my closet for years that i kept holding on to for some day...and they fit, some are too big, that is a good feeling. well, i dont mean to babble on...but its been a while trying to catch up. and good to see how great everyone is doing