losing too fast...
I had surgery on 8/11 and have lost 85 pounds. My nutritionist told me by three months I should've lost 33% of my excess weight. I have lost 40% of my excess weight and she feels this may be a bit fast. She advised me to add a snack (they only want us eating three times a day, with 2 protein supplements), cut down on my exercise (haven't been exercising regularly since surgery!) and to shoot for 1000 calories a day. Well, I have a difficult time getting in 1000 calories when I can only eat 3 times a day. I was an avid gym person before surgery and really want to get back into my routine, but now am being told to "just walk". She did tell me that as long as my blood work continues to be fine, I shouldn't have any problems with the quick weight loss. So, I'm a little perplexed! Anyone else have similar issues?
I'm ahead of my surgeon's projected weight loss time frame also, but he was still pleased with my progress. He didn't have me change anything about what I'm doing. I can understand why you're perplexed, but it's best to listen to your surgeon and nut. They know what's best for ya. Congrats on doing so well!!
Trust me...I will listen to them! Some days I don't have any problems doing what I'm supposed to and then others, well...they are less than satisfactory! I think I was having one of "those" days...not enough calories, not quite enough protein... I know I worry about it too much sometimes. Thanks for the kind words. Good luck on your journey!
Hi Christina,
At my 3 month check-up I too was a little ahead of schedule. They prefer 8-10 lbs per month and I lost 25, 15.5, & 15.5 (plus I lost 18 lbs the month pre-op). He said though it was slightly faster than their preferred average, it was fine. I'm only exercising about 3 days a week, and like you, only 3 meals a day, but no protein supplements. No one has told me to change anything. I know folks that have lost less and a whole lot more. I'd confirm with your doctor about your weight loss and if he agrees with the nutrionist then follow the new orders. As a head's up... I know that a lot of folks here have hit plateus and it looks like this week is going to be mine with a possible 2-3 lbs weight gain! With how sore my muscles have been and the fact that I lost 9 lbs in the last two weeks I expect I was very due for a plateu and some muscle weight gain. You may start experiencing that same issue. Also, since you said that you were an avid gym person before surgery you probably started off with more muscle mass to burn those fat calories than the average bariatric patient. If your doctor is content, relax and enjoy the quick loss while it lasts.