old habits, what to do?
I am thinking about seeing a phsycologist about my eating habits. I am still having trouble with my old habits.
I am still loosing weight but loosing it slow. Has anyone else seen someone for this issue? If so is it helping? I was just wondering if it would help to see someone or not. I am worried that I will totally sabatage myself. My total weight loss so far is 53lbs. I know thats not bad, but I also know it could be better if I could loose my old habits. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I am having the same problem Jennifer. I'm struggling with doing what I'm supposed to do when it comes to eating. I've become so dissastisfied with food that I find myself not even trying very hard to eat properly. I miss eating food for the taste pleasure. Good food does nothing for my taste buds and then I fill up so quickly when I eat the protein so I tend to go for food that I used to enjoy but that wasn't good for me and then I get sick after eating it..... I've used the word 'sabotage' in a couple of my posts lately because that's what I'm doing too. Although I'm sorry to hear other's have this problem it's nice to know I'm not alone....

I'm in the same boat with you all.... I get full so quickly that I truly don't enjoy eating anymore. I realize that there are lots of folks out there who literally just eat to survive, but I wasn't one of them1 I used to love food...the texture, taste, you name it. I really haven't eaten things that are bad for me, but I seem to get sick quite often and am wondering if maybe I'm pushing the carb envelope. For me, the food gets stuck ALOT and although I've been scoped and told that I do not have a stricture my family doc wants me to get scoped again to be sure. My surgery was Aug 17 and I'm down 55 pounds, which I know is nothing to be ashamed of although I know there are those who have lost much more than me and that gets me worried and then depressed. I'm afraid now that I am eating more solids that I am going back to my old ways as well. I seem to graze alot, mainly because nothing seems to satisfy me.
I'll keep my eyes open for any advice on this topic. I am also seeing a therapist for this...