Happy Halloween!
Weird, but none of that stuff even interests me. I never thought that would ever happen.........I was a total junk food junkie.
It really kind of scares me that I don't care about the junk food.
Good job those who didn't cave to the candy and to those who did, oh well, we are only human.
Take care all
I let my daughter buy the candy only TODAY and she passed it out! I work nights, so my family has been instructed to hide it before I get home in the morning! I also gave them all strict instructions to not buy candy corn or reece's cups as they are my favorites and that temptation would be much too great! I think I could smell them in the next county! So, I came to work thinking I could avoid it, and lo and behold, there's trick or treat candy here! But so far I'm staying away. Pray for me getting through the night! I'm still so scared of getting sick that I just really don't want anything. I hope I can stay that way until I get all this weight off! Happy Halloween to all of you. Halloween is just a little test for the big holidays coming up.
A cute note........our dietician told us to remember that holidays are holi-"days", not holi-"weeks" or holi-"months."
Have a nice day!
We didn't hand out any candy because we were out with our kids, but I can tell you, we have a whole bowl of candy in the kitchen. I've been a little tempted, but I'm scared to death to dump so I'll stay away. I did, however, find Hershey's 1 gram carb bars that are made with splenda that are very good. I've tried the chocolate, the chocolate almond & the chocolate with soy crisps and they're all really good. They do have like 9 grams of sugar alcohols so when i do have some I only have a piece or 2 and am satisfied. I've actually had one open sitting on my desk for like 3 or 4 days & haven't eaten the rest. I also found the same thing in a Reeses Peanut butter cup which is good. Every now and again if you get the urge, try going for one of these, they really satisfy the craving....