has anyone NOT dumped? HELP!
I haven't dumped, but I have gotten food "stuck" and then gotten sick and I haven't eaten anything Bad for me. I haven't even eaten a protein bar... I am too afraid to get use to the snacks. I have had a suger free fudgcicle. I have also tried the suger-free klondike bars and I couldn't eat but half of it. It has suger alcohol, so be careful but it hits an ice-cream craving (especially for me during my cycle) But, I have only had one. I don't eat it every day or every week. So, what made you eat a candy bar?? To see if you could??
Hi there,
I haven't dumped either. I have been sick a couple of times, eating too fast or eating a bit too much.
As far as junk food, I really haven't had any since surgery. I want to try and stay away from it. I have had a couple of potato chips, but like Apryl I eat the sugar free ice cream and popsicles. I am trying to give up all those "bad" things. This surgery was too important to me, I want to make sure I do what I can to make it work.
Take care all
RNY Aug 1/05
I have had a rapid heart rate a few times, but it wasn't after eating anything sweet. I ate some carb monitor chicken, cheese, enchilada soup the other day too fast & had a rapid heart rate & felt dizzy for about a half our. I really read the labels & have not tried anything with full sugar in it. If I get a craving for chocolate, I have a piece of a Hershey's low carb chocolate bar that's made with splenda. I've also found that reeses has made low carb peanut butter cups too. One cup seems to satisfy the urge. I'm not sure if I'll ever try full sugar anything, because I don't think I want to know if I will have a reaction or not.
Good Luck with everything
I have not dumped...I'm 9 1/2 weeks post-op and down 69 pounds, too. I think it is because I am NOT even trying to see if I dum*****t. I am not interested in seeing if I dump. I don't want to get sick and I don' want to NOT get sick and think I can have something. I feel so much better there is no way I would eat that stuff again. I remember what it tastes like. Try sugar free if you just can help yourself, but try to.
I have not dumped...I'm 9 1/2 weeks post-op and down 69 pounds, too. I think it is because I am NOT even trying to see if I dum*****t. I am not interested in seeing if I dump. I don't want to get sick and I don' want to NOT get sick and think I can have something. I feel so much better there is no way I would eat that stuff again. I remember what it tastes like. Try sugar free if you just can help yourself, but try to.
I haven't had a severe dump yet. What I do get if I eat the "wrong" thing is mild sweating and heart racing (mild dump) If I eat something with too much fat in it I get a stomach ache and the runs.
I hear people all the time telling me how deathly ill they get if they even "sample" something bad and it scares me because I can "sample" and no ill effects.
the other night I went to a bday party and they had my favorite carrot cake there. I finally broke down and ate a teaspoon of it and no problems... it was heaven.
Then I have to laugh at being so paranoid about eating a teaspoon of carrot cake when before surgery I would have eaten the whole cake lol.
The only thing I've had problems with and avoid for now is CHICKEN lol.
I haven't dumped either. Sugar alcohols seem to give me a bit of gas, but don't make me dump. I have had a nibble of a candy bar...when I say nibble, I mean nibble, too. And at a family birthday party I had a bite of vanilla ice cream with a bite of brownie. Now, the whole "bite" was probably half a teaspoon, no more. I didn't have any adverse affects and was really worried that I wouldn't dump. But then I realized that I didn't eat enough of either at the time to make me dump. So I just don't pu**** I've lost 74 pounds since surgery.
thanks everyone! to answer the question of why i ate the reeses cup. i ate it because i was really really wanting it, lol, and i couldnt control my self, and then i also wondered if i COULD........lol! temptation got me and i gave in to it. i am trying really hard to be good. im not eating a BUNCH of bad things, just every so often i eat a bite of something i shouldnt.