Home and feeling Great!
Hello friends-
I am just a few days post op, and feel great. My husband is sitting
on me trying to keep me down, and I know that I should take advantage
of this time so I don't go backwards, but I thought it would be so much worse. I think the keys to success were keeping my pain managed and
insisting on the antinausea shot every four hours. It got me off to a good start. I don't even feel the band, so the danger is going to be
not eating. Liquids are going down good, and I have had no dumping.
Jennifer, whom I met on this website, and I were in rooms side by side.
It was great going through it with someone. We left our rooms the first
night with our IV stands and announced to the staff that we were off to run a 5k. They laughed at us and complimented how good we were doing.
I can't stress enough how important it is to get up and walking, and how
much better we felt each time we did, even if it was just to get to each others room.
Thanks for all of your support out there, it has really made the difference!
Love ya,